Hello every one. This weekend at the Allentown train meet I came upon some N scale RF16’s made by I believe E&R. I have never heard of this company and was wondering if anyone had any info about them. Are they quality units? Do they run quiet? The paint jobs seemed to be authentic (D&H and NYC), but I was hesitant to purchase them since I know nothing about this E&R, if that is really the company’s name. Can any one help me out? Thanks.
The correct name is E-R Models. They are not a manufacturer, but an importer. They import Busch automobiles and have imported Roco and Rivarossi locomotives and cars. The new “Sharks” are top quality models made in China, by, I understand, the same factory that makes Bachmann “Spectrum” equipment. They are a reputable company located not too far from you in upstate New York and have been importing model railroad stuff for a decade or more.