I have a bachman loco of the steam nature that got put in storage many many years ago and has recently seen the light of day again. All my other locos run fine once I cleaned wheels and contacts. I have run this loco over a paper towel with rubbing alcohol to try to clean the wheels which has helped some. The loco will now move some. when the loco does move it is giving of a whining sound as it runs. with the sounds it is making my question is there any type of lubrication I need to do to the moving works around the drive wheels that might be stopping it?
Not sure what to do with it right now the actual motor seems to work given the fact that it moves.
If worse comes to worse, you can always send it to Bachmann’s service department. They have a very good reputation of either fixing the problem or sending you a good replacement. I hope you find your fix.
The Motor shaft bushings ( bearings) could have dried out from sitting,so long, see if you can add some light oil,on each side of the motor shaft, dried bushings, will cause the motor to run tight, if at all and sound,like a squeal, whine, sound. Good Luck!
I beleive it is an 0-6-0 steamer. just has the 6 drive wheels. no guide wheels and the coal tender is just part of the model no electrical pickups on it. I assume bachman’s website would have the exploded view?
Another potential problem with these old Bachmann locomotives is the white plastic used to make their gears. From what I understand these gears are very prone to shrinking and cracking and other problems. That could be the source of your trouble
Strange, I have old Bachmann N scale steamers, yes the 0-6-0 included {a couple actually} from the 70’s in storage and had NO problem when I brought them out of storage and ran them. I did have another brand that did not survive so well. It sparks and runs rough.
The key may have been the “proper” lubing they recieved 40 years ago?
Try as above or treat it as though it was brandy-new and you are lubing it for the first time.
If nothing works, try sending it in to Bachmann. They are supposed to have an award winning service dept, even if old equipment or abused equipment. Be aware, though, that you will probably pay something like $25 or $50 for the “repair” service so a new loco might be in order anyway.
What I posted above, about the dried out motor bushings, ( bearings) will cause it to run hot, that is why you hear the squeal,whine sound, a motor should run free, too much friction,like in dried bearings,will cause it to work harder,thereby,over heating and destroying itself. I would also,clean out any gear lube to the drivers and replace that also. Another reason for the motor,to run hot. Like driving your car with the brakes on, your motor will get hot, because of the drag. [:)] You should put a drop of light oil, also on the side rods, where they attach,to the drivers. LaBelle, makes all the Lub. you need,good to have, with your other,tools.