This may be a dumb question but being an old hand in HO scale I know next to nothing about N scale. Since I am planning on using some N scale as a means of forcing perspective on my new layout I need to know what the minimum usable radius is practical for a N scale loop.
Chu Chu Willie
Depends on what you’re running. If you’re using short wheel base engines and 40’ boxcars, you can get away with 11". It used to be that manufacturers built to a minimum of 9-3/4", but body mounted couplers and more realistic wheel flanges make 11" a bit more comfortable. If you’re using code 55 rail, I’d limit it to 12". For my layout, I use 15" as a minimum, and only on track that is hidden from view. This accommodates longer auto racks, pig flats and passenger cars operationally.
But be careful… Once you see how magical N scale can be, you’ll be selling off all that Horribly Oversized stuff…
Hey Willie,
As a rule of thumb, the bigger the radius, the better, and more variety of trains you can run on it without problems. But this rule is only if your layout has the space for it. Kato makes an N scale track with a radius just over 8.5" but I think that’s way too crazy, and really limiting yourself with the types of locomotives you an run. For complete usability I would go with a 12"-13" minimum radius and if you have the space 15" radius.