N scale trains on an HO layout

Ok, first things first, this question is for NON-PROTOTYPICAL modelers only. You’ll see why in a second. [:)]
I’m currently have a HO Acela train running around a small city and out into the country (don’t think of what you see in MR mag, think trains and buildings sitting on the floor). I want to have another train and due to space reasons, I am debating on running an N scale train as my second train. I like the fact that you can run a lot longer train in the same amount of space.
I’m planning on building benchwork for my layout this summer, and want to make it large enough for multiple trains.
What do you guys think about N scale trains on an HO layout. Personally I think it would be neat, but kinda strange.

An N scale train running in the background, behind the HO scale train, would add what is referred to as “forced perspective” and make a layout appear visually to be deeper than it really is. I saw a video about a Lionel O-scale layout that used HO scale carnival rides and an N-scale train to represent the carnival train for children to ride in.

Forced perspective is a great idea, but I think I’m going to pass on that. I thought about doing some buildings on my background with N scale, but don’t have the room to make a realistic forced perspective N scale train. I’m talking about putting an N scale going around the outside ot the city, and out into the country. Do you guys think this would be decent, or would it look so ridiculous that it wouldn’t be funny.
(NOTE: I do this for the joy of running trains, not anything prototypical or for running an industry or making scheduled stops and such. I also like to run it for my nieces (age 1 - 6)

If you’re really not worried about being prototypical, just do what you want! That’s what’s great about this hobby. You get out of it what you want. If you’re not worried about mixing N scale and HO, I bet your nieces won’t be either. It can even teach them the difference in scale. If you don’t want two different sized trains, but want the extra room you get from N scale, why not do the whole layout in N? Again, if you really don’t care, then it’s imply what works best for you.

I wish I would have started with N scale now that I look back on it, but I’ve spent WAY too much money on my HO layout to turn back now. The Acela train wasn’t cheap (but then again what new train is?). I’ve also built most of the Bachmann Cityscene buildings and they’re not that cheap either. Basically… i’m to afraid of the wife to switch to N scale completely.
I’m more of asking… would that look so ridiculous that it’s not even funny? Unfortunately I don’t have any N scale trains to sit in with it to see what it would look like.

I have visited a club layout that has O, HO, and N all together. It looks strange in overall photo’s (especially in areas where the N was in front) but while viewing, the tendency was to concentrate on one scale at a time.

Try it and let the girls be the judge. If they smile, you did the right thing.

if you create N scenes and HO scenes with a view block between them such as trees or hills, it might not look too bad.

I was rethinking this… since I’m doing an HO city scene, maybe do that on one side of the layout and an N scale scene on the other. Then the HO would make it’s way around the entire outside, and the N scale one weaving through both.

The forced perspective would look better than having N on one side and HO on the other–much more believable; and forced perspective could work in as little as 2 or 3 feet if you skillfully scale down the trees and scenery and buildings.

Another approach would be to add HOn3 narrow gauge line.

Dave Vergun

I just don’t have the room to do a forced perspective with a looping N scale train. At least not without it coming in front of the HO train to turn around.
Since I don’t have an N scale train yet, I’m borrowing one from my father to see what I can get to look right with the space I have.

Remember, you’ll need TT scale models to transition between the HO scale and N scale scenes [:)]


N scale would be cool for a little ride on railroad on the HO layout. I’ve thought of doing this several times.

Just cut the tops off and insert some HO scale figures into the N cars. A miniature amusement park train to ride thru a city park on.

it’s your railroad, do what pleases you. and yes,let the girls decide with their smiles.

I think it’s a great idea. You can have fun (double the fun) in the two scales you enjoy. I model in On30 but also run HO trains on my layout. On30 and HO standard are the same track gauge. It may not be prototypical but I get to enjoy two scales on one layout. My layout runs around the perimiter of the room. Two sides are scenicked for On30 and the other two for HO.