N Scale uncoupler magnets

I mounted two Micro Trains uncoupling magnets on my layout using the Micro Trains jig to hold the magnets in the correct allignment with the rails (I’m using Atlas code 80 flex) and now when my loco’s go over them at slow speeds the magnets cause the loco’s motor to stall. It happens on all the locos (Kato, Atlas, MiniTrix, and ModelPower) except for a LifeLike E7 diesel. Anybody have this experience? I figure that the magnet is pulling on the motor, but I also figure that if I set the magnet deeper into the (cork) roadbed I’ll be preventing it from working properly on the couplers…

I’ve been in N scale over 30 years and have never heard of this problem. I don’t use magnets myself however. A sure solution, although more expensive, would be to use electro magnets energized by a push button only when you want to uncouple.

Are you sure it isn’t the loco stalling on a switch? If you locate the magnets right near the switch, as is typical, this could be the problem, and coincidentally, the loco stops on the magnet.


I have another question somehow related to the same topic. (Is it o.k. to issue that here, instead of creating a new topic-thread ?)
I’ll try…
I have just experimented with MT permanent magned uncouplers of the “under-the-track” type. As I understand it they come only i HO size ? I therefore cut mine in 3 parts. 2 bits resembling the original HO-proportions, and one bit of waste material. (otherwise they would be very long)

When I have put a magnet into my “cut-out” in the baseboard and tried with some cars, they will not uncouple at all.
The magnets also seem a bit strange when I test their “attraction” and
Are they destroyed in the cutting process ? Do they have to
be remagnitized, or it is just the couplers that have to be adjusted.

Please help me, or direct me to a proper FAQ.

(Europeans are more used to RAPIDO, as you know…)

I have the magnets located in the middle of a clear section of straight track, about 6" from the nearest turnout, so I don’t think that is the problem. It seems very clear that the magnet is having some kind of effect on the engine’s windings.

Re: electromagnets- are these commercially available or is this more of a DIY project? I’m turning into quite the electrical-junkie…

Probably have to make your own. I found the following article
Feb 1979 Model Rairoader “An N Gauge Electromagnetic Uncoupler” “All you see is an innocent-looking pair of guardrails”

The article tells how to make the magnet and mount it.

Kadee lists an HO electric uncoupler. Product #307 Don’t know if it would work for N scale.