N Scalers quick question....

I have a Bachmann spectrum 2-8-0 consolidated as well I am going to get a couple Atlas 2 truck shays. My question is what IS the minimum radius you would recomend for these locos. I am going to sketch my layout tonight and am thinking 9 3/4 or 11 as my minimum. I know 11 would be better but I am curious if the locos will run well on the 9 3/4. Let me know,


Yes they will run on the 9-3/4 in. radius with no issues.

Go for it Curt!. You’ll be okay with smaller steamers, but it’s when you try running the longer ones is when you’re going to have problems. I found that out the hard way a couple of years ago when I tried running my buddy’s ConCor Southern Pacific 4-8-4 on my layout. It required a “much greater” curve radius…


I have 9 3/4 and my 4-8-2 light mountain has no problems other than the fact it runs terribly.

Thanks Guys my minimum is set at 9 3/4 . I have a couple of 11" curves as well as 19" curves and of corse straights and #4 turn outs with a couple #6 sprinkled in for good measure.



Have you shimmed the drivers yet? Many of these units need a shim placed between the frame and the traction tired drivers, so that the driver makes full contact. For more details, check with PowerSteamGuy over at www.trainboard.com, in the N Scale forum.