N&W No. 605 on turntable - but where?

The other day this slide was offered on Ebay:


Does anybody recognize the location?

Best wishes from Germany, Helmut

Hello Helmut!

First off, I think I can tell you where it isn’t, that’s not the N&W’s main maintanance facility in Roanoke.

The Class J’s, of which 605 was one, typically ran between Norfolk VA and Cincinnati OH, so it could be in either one of those places.

Also, Class J’s also were used on the Southern Railways trains the “Birmingham Special,” the “Pelican,” and the “Tennessean” between Monroe VA and Bristol TN.

My guess would be either Monroe or Bristol. Both are somewhat minor locations for N&W locomotives and that roundhouse looks a bit primitive compared to what the N&W normally would have.

Anyway, those are my guesses. Sorry I can’t be more precise.


Looks like Bristol to me.

Thanks BigJim! If anyone would know it’s you!

Thank you very much indeed, BigJim! At long last I found a (very small) photo of the Bristol roundhouse in Richard E. Prince: Norfolk & Western Railway, p. 96.

Best wishes, Helmut

It is my understanding that the Bristol roundhouse is still standing, but, in need of repair.

What is the round sign near the turntable-a warning for the turntable?


It has been a long time since I have seen one, but, it will say “Safety First” on it.

Google Earth from 10/2019 still shows it.