name for log cabin family

Hi there,

Some of you out there saw my log cabin I made, I have a family of three that I built it for Ma and Pa and a little girl, Have you any sugestions on a family name (surname) for them,My name is Dennis and wife lois and i have 5 children thats were my user name Lodens5 comes from. I am looking for a name that is made up of all our first name initials which are L D C B J A R M H A,as I am modeling the wild west era.other letters can be added to make up a name ,I hope you guys and ladies can help.

Cheers Dennis Dillon.

You didn’t state whether letters could be reused, or the name hypenated. I think you’re outta luck because of scarcity of vowels, in any case.

And if you’re doing wild west, be prepared to ‘roll your own’ – scratchbuild most of it.


How about using one of your ancestor’s married or maiden name? That would keep it in the family.

If you want to use all of the letters, it could be the:

J. Marchbald” family

J. Charmblad” family

J. Lambchard” family

OR If you want something a little macabre… the "J. Chardlamb" family.

Captain Stryker

The J.D. Clampett family. Problem solved.

Hi all ,

Thanks for your input , thanks Rene for your great idea,that gives me something to work on .

cheers Dennis.

Way to go, Cap! [bow]


Well, it really doesn’t use ALL of the letters, but since you’re dealing with log cabins, how about The Loggerheads.