I have a picture of a narrow guage steam engine, the tender has the marking B&HR on it and the engine number is 8. It apears to be a 2-6-4. The tender is part of the engine. The picture has the back of a grandstand in it like at a old race track or fair ground or something.The only car that can be seen in the picture is a flat car with wooden rails around it and it has people sittingon it. I don’t know when the picture was taken. I bought it in an antiqe store. It is black and white. Anyone have any ideas?
http://www.megalink.net/~bhs/nginv.html Here is a link to the Bridgeton&Harrison railroad.It was a narrow guage road in Maine.
Thanks, that was very interestting. And it was also a pleasent supprise to fing out that the engine in my picture is still alive and well! Thanks again for the link.
a 2-6-4 would have been a mason bogie built in the 1890s
mason had the tender attached with a truck underneath the tender like a forney
I have a picture of a narrow guage steam engine, the tender has the marking B&HR on it and the engine number is 8. It apears to be a 2-6-4. The tender is part of the engine. The picture has the back of a grandstand in it like at a old race track or fair ground or something.The only car that can be seen in the picture is a flat car with wooden rails around it and it has people sittingon it. I don’t know when the picture was taken. I bought it in an antiqe store. It is black and white. Anyone have any ideas?
http://www.megalink.net/~bhs/nginv.html Here is a link to the Bridgeton&Harrison railroad.It was a narrow guage road in Maine.
Thanks, that was very interestting. And it was also a pleasent supprise to fing out that the engine in my picture is still alive and well! Thanks again for the link.
a 2-6-4 would have been a mason bogie built in the 1890s
mason had the tender attached with a truck underneath the tender like a forney