National Train Day is May 9th

If you’re close to one of those cities it may be worth checking out some of the events. I think seeing Randy Jackson alone would be worth the price of admission [insert American Idol joke here].

At the very least, I hope we get some coverage in an upcoming Trains on the festivitites.

National Train Day official website: Click on “Events” to see all of the event information from the main 4 cities plus all the other locations across the country that are participating (there are lots). I’ll be out railfanning that day, for sure. Even though I’m nowhere near the big festivities (or any for that matter), last year was still a blast and I hope this year will be just as good! [8D]

I checked several websites and I can hit both the Los Angeles and San Bernardino Train Day Festivities! Woo Hoo!!!

Yay! the 1st TCRR was built just the next day!