Nce Powercab Problems

I have the NCE powercab and I’ve now run into a problem. After laying some new track and soldering fenders and such, when I plug the system in, it starts to boot up and then turns off and repeats the process. I’ve read other forums and tried everything. I vacuumed the rails so there is nothing in the turnout points. I have cleaned the track. I do have the right cable in. I also tested the system without it being connected to the rest of the layout and it was fine. I’m lost on what the issue is.

I’m no expert on NCE (I have Digitrax myself), but it sounds like you have a short in the wiring somewhere. Hook a voltmeter up across the rails and check the resistance at various points. The meter should always say that there is no circuit. In all likelihood there is a “hidden” reverse loop or crossed feeders somewhere. Also be sure to check for drops of solder or pieces of wire that may be causing a short. Occasionally a forgotten metal tool will be causing a short. There may be a problem with one of your cars or locos, so check them as well.

The short is the scourge of the model railroader. Hope you find yours soon.

Sounds like it’s shorting out. Go back and check your feeders and see if something got crossed.

You have a short. Maybe one of your feeders is crossed or you have a reverse loop or turnouts that need insulated joiners not insulated. Unplug the track from the power cabs panel and see if it boots up right.


Go back to the last section of track you installed and disconnect the feeder wires. Somewhere there you have soldered a feeder to the wrong rail and created a short.


I have yet to lay track on my layout and I don’t know if a short circuit is your problem, but one suggestion that I have seen several times on the forum is when you are laying track make yourself a simple short circuit detector using a 9V battery, a buzzer and two alligator clip leads. The buzzer is wired so that if a short occurs when you are wiring the buzzer will sound and you will instantly know that you have done something wrong as soon as you try to make the connection. The circuit is simple: connect one lead to one of the battery terminals, connect the other battery terminal to one side of the buzzer and then connect the second lead to the other side of the buzzer. Clip the leads onto your track. If there is no short the buzzer does not get power. If there is a short between the rails that will connect power to the buzzer and it will tell you that you just messed up!


As already mentioned and what you’ve described, your Power Cab detects a short and is rebooting. Double-check the new track you just laid for a short or disconnect it from the layout then hook in your Power Cab to see if it powers up normally.


To protect your electronics including your NCE Power Cab you should consider a PSX series circuit breaker available from Tony’s Train Exchange. IMO every layout should have a breaker. It can pay for itself.

As for fininding the short look for all that has been mentioned as well as something dumb such as soldering Hayes metal bumpers to the track. Yes, I did this and it was the last thing found after as exhausting search.

Good Hunting


Whenever I’m laying track, and I install feeder wires. I always check the system every time I solder the new feeders to the bus.