I’m enjoying my new NCE Pro Cab system, and would like to add another Pro Cab handheld controller with LCD display.
Does anyone know who may have the best prices on them?
I browsed Ebay but thought I’d keep looking.
Ebay prices were approximately 122 dollars to 128 dollars plus shipping.
Something to strongly consider: For only a few $$$ more you can purchase a Power Cab and have an extra throttle that can also program locomotives at your bench.
When plugged into the PH Pro, the Power Cab automatically reverts to a ProCab throttle anyhow. This would give you greater flexibility than just buying a ProCab throttle for not much more of an investment - ~$20. The Power Cab was also designed with a little extra “oomph” for reading and programming sound decoders.
I was going to suggest this myself. However, take a look at the operating manual for the PowerCab, specifically where it talks about the engine “recall” function or recall stack. For some reason I think the PowerCab only has a two engine recall stack, while the regular cab has up to six. I don’t know if this is a function of whether the PowerCab is used as a stand-alone system rather than connected to the PowerPro system.
The size of the recall stack is not important to me, but if it is to you then you should factor that into your decision. By the way, if it was me I’d consider looking into one of the smaller, simpler, cabs NCE offers. You could save a few more dollars, and also keep a “complicated” cab out of the hands of any “push every button to see what it does” friends.
Maxman is absolutely correct on the more limited recall stack of the Power Cab. And, I’m not sure if that changes when the Power Cab is used as a ProCab throttle, when plugged into the PH Pro. It’s not an issue with me either.
I will also agree with Maxman that the NCE CAB-04 and CAB-05 throttles would be less expensive. If you want to take a look at the CAB-04p, click on the link at the bottom of this post then go to “Reviews” on the left hand side of the page. Click either the title or pic to see the review.
One of the “nifty” features of the Cab-04E that you forgot to mention in your review was that it has the capability to be used to control two different locomotives. That switch on the top of the cab allows it to be used as two separate cabs (two different cab addresses), each controlling an engine or consist.
When operating in Pro Cab mode, a PowerCab has the option to set recalls to 6. I use a PowerCab as a second cab on my Power Cab system and I just changed the recalls and it worked just like the Pro Cab.
The Power Cab can also be used to read sound locos on the programming track without a booster.
Thanks guys!
To explain my situation, my layout is 6 feet wide by 24 feet long with a center-divider backdrop almost the entire length that is 16 inches in heighth.
It is made of 2 inch thick foam as I had a lot left over from making my tabletops.
I am going to face it with a thin paper like covering-the same stuff you reface drywall board with, then paint my backdrop.
This will also eliminate any chance of any paint from damaging the foam. and provide a better surface to paint on.
Anyway as the trains travel along the dual line main and round the bend to the far side of the layout, I want another controller on the other side my idea is to have 2 on each side.
I don’t really plan on opearting sessions, but will only probably have two of my best buddies over who have been helping me build the layout, as we help each other.
So we are the kinds of guys who don’t go about pushing buttons to see what they do.
All in all, I probably won’t have more than 3 to 4 trains, possibly 5 running at any given time.
I thought about wireless, but maybe go that route in the future, right now it’s a bit pricey for me.
Hmmmmmm, not sure why you want two on each side. The benefit of your DCC system is to be able to move around with the train. You can install some of those plug in plates at various locations around your layout for a lot less cost than a new cab, and just plug in as you move about.
If your idea is to stand at one location and then assign the locomotive to someone standing on the other side of the railroad, then I can see the need for the larger cabs. But if someone is going to start at point A and then move around to point B, then one of the less expensive cabs will allow that. You will, of course, eventually want a cab of some sort for everyone who will operate at the same time. I don’t want to try to talk you out of the larger cab if you really think you need one, but if cost is an issue the smaller cabs should be considered.
Sweet! Thanks for that confirmation, Mike. [:)][tup]
I wasn’t sure if the Power Cab would take on that capability used as a ProCab throttle, but it’s now nice to know it will. I wish that were an option when using the Power Cab with the Smart Booster. Unfortunately, it’s not. Oh, well. Since I have a small layout, it’s relatively small issue for me anyhow.
Maxman brings up an important point worth elaborating on. I don’t know how many UTP panels you have around your layout but you may want to purchase and install a couple more for easier access with your throttles.
With the PH Pro, you can plug and unplug your throttles as you move around your layout to follow your trains. With the Power Cab by itself, however, you only have the 7’ cable to maneuver with. That’s why I ended up purchasing the Smart Booster so that I could plug and unplug my Power Cab without shutting down the layout.
The Smart Booster also gives me yard mode with my Power Cab, which I only had as an option with my CAB-04p throttle. As you already have the PH Pro, that’s a moot point for you.
I am actually learning a few things here I didn’t know about the Pro Cab and the Power Cab
So far I only have one UTP panel plug in that came with the set.I plan on getting more
I’m just now getting back to work on my layout after finishing up a major home remodelling project that has taken up so much of my extra time.
I was starting to feel that by the time I’d get back to my layout, technology would have left me behind, and I’d feel like a caveman who fell asleep in 10,000 B.C. and just woke up in the 21st century!
The UTP panels are easily daisy-chained together from the rear with RJ12 4-connector cables. If you are wanting specific lengths, I know a vendor who will make them for you for a reasonable fee.
The last I talked to Tim (2 years ago), it was $3.25 for both connectors plus $0.25/ft for the cable. He also sold the UTP and PCP panels, as well.
Anyhow, Ed, I’d be glad to pass along Tim’s web site address, if you’re interested.