So what does the radio communicate with? Is the communication between the ProCab and the Radio base or with the Locomotive decoders?
The ProCab communicates with the radio base, which communicates with the decoders. Liken it to a wireless router for your computer or tablet:
Keyboard => router => computer/tablet
If your layout is large or there are obstuctions in room you may need a repeater. Most of the time you should be fine with just the radio base.
Technically it communicates with the radio base which communicates with the command station which communicates with the decoder.
Yea, that makes sense, maxman. So for a wireless Power Cab:
Power Cab => radio base => Power Cab => decoder?
[Edit: After rethinking this through…Since a “tethered” Power Cab would need to be connected to the LEFT connector port in order to feed power to the track…How would you power the track if the Power Cab is wireless??? [:S]
The radio base would have to do that and I would find that rather surprising. The only option(s) that I can see is the Power Cab Radio being used with an SB5 or PH Pro system, which would serve as the command station. I’m I figuring that correctly?]
Ok so i need to make sure the ProCab is within range not the locomotives. Correct?
Correct. The locomotives are still receiving the DCC signal from the track.
There are systems that communicate directly with the locomotives.
You mean Power Cab ProCab=> radio base => command station => decoder [:)]
Edited to reflect that OP said he had a ProCab.
[:P]Thanks !
Yes. And concerning the radio base and repeaters, too many repeaters are not a good thing. Friend of mine has a 30 X80 space with an addition about half that size bigger. He had a bunch of repeaters and had a lot of issues. Turned out he had too many repeaters and there was an overlap problem. I believe that he is down to three now.
Concerning range, our club is in a windowless basement with stone walls. I took a radio Pro Cab out into the parking lot and was able to get a loco to respond. Obviously it is better to actually see what the loco is doing while operating.
Actually, since the Power Cab IS the command station, my Power Cab => radio base => Power Cab [command station] => decoder should still be correct. [:D]
That said, and I’m reposting the “Edit” that I just included in my previous response…
After rethinking this through…Since a “tethered” Power Cab would need to be connected to the LEFT connector port in order to provide power to the track…How would you power the track if the Power Cab is wireless??? [:S]
The radio base would have to do that and I would find that rather surprising. The only option(s) that I can see is the Power Cab Radio being used with an SB5 or PH Pro system, which would serve as the command station. I’m I figuring that correctly?
If you would like to have direct contact with the locomotives, check out RailPro.
Mine is a ProCab. Sounds like I’m good. Layout is 18’ x 12’
Yes, I believe that you are correct. I don’t know where the PowerCab came up in the original discussions, but that was not stated by the OP. He said that he had a ProCab.
We just had a discussion about radio PowerCabs at the club this past Tuesday. The topic was converting PowerCabs to radio PowerCabs. It is possible to do this. But one of the other members said that NCE doesn’t advertise this because they were afraid that there would be confusion such as you describe.
I converted my Power cab to wireless so I can use it with my Power Pro radio system. Gives me an additional throttle. Best $90 I gave NCE [:)]!
Yes, I realize that, maxman. It was a slight diviation on the topic for my edification.
You will not need a repeater. My layout is an L-shaped 25’ x 42’ and I have two wireless ProCabs. No problems with signals. The base station and antenna hang upside down from my (unfinished) basement ceiling midway into the layout.
This from NCE…
Why NCE does not sell a wireless Powercab.
We get this request frequently from those who belong to a club that uses wireless but at home they only need a regular tethered Powercab. If we sell it as a radio equipped Powercab set, by law it must function out of the box in all capacities. That would mean we would be required to package it with an RB02 AND an SB5. This would
This also from NCE…
After you have purchased the Powercab you may find that wireless is something you want. If that is the case the question becomes: What will be running the trains. The two cab option: The Powercab MUST remain plugged in at all times to run the layout. You will need: Radio Base Station ( RB02 ) and any other radio equipped cab. If you want the Powercab itself to be wireless you must also purchase the SB5 Smartbooster to run the layout so the Powercab can be unplugged.
Thanks, Rich. That’s what I suspected.
Theretically it would work with a Wireless PowerCab → Radio base —> plugged-in PowerCab —> track
Since the Powercab supports adding an additional cab. Though I’m not sure who would buy 2 PowerCabs so one could be used wirelessly, the cost would be more than a more logical solution. But also I don;t think all the electronics can fit. The ProCab Radio has a radio board and batteries. The PowerCab has a small command station/booster board added to the basic cab circuit board. I doubt both the cs/booster board AND the radio board could fit inside one cab unit anyway.