NE Ohio Train show in Berea: 10/2-10/3

nope, though it’ll be tough to get near enough to say hi since everyone there will only see an absolute stop [:)]. Still debating whether I’m going to head to the show or work at the roundhouse… though am leaning more toward the show. Might even bring the wife …

Hello Will be there about 10:00, looking forward to meeting you folks at noon. Met Frank earlier this year in line at Kirtland, recognized his hat. Steve

Doubt I can make it saturday but for sure sunday, it opens at 11:00. Looking for W&LE HO and some Lionel for the grandson. Coming from Medina.


One day left before the train show at the Cuyahoga Fairgrounds this weekend in Berea, OH. [Y] I’m still hoping to make it on Saturday but may have to bow out because of a cold/nasty cough. [N] I’m staying home today in order to get some additional rest [|)] and fluids [C]. If for some reason I’m not able to make it, happy hunting tomorrow to everyone going.

Tom [:(]

Tom,Sorry to hear about your cold…[:(] I’m surprise I haven’t caught one since I was caught in a cold rain while on my morning walk the other day.

As it stands we will leave at 9:00am from the club and should arrive around 10:30-10:45.

looks like I’ll be at the show around 10.30 as well. found my MRPS roundhouse rats shirt, so I’ll be wearing that [:D].


Are you going to bring your new bride with you to the show? Much to my surprise, my dear wife mentioned earlier in the week an interest in coming along with me this year. [:O]

Since I don’t normally spend much at these shows anyhow, I don’t think Stephanie is concerned about my purchases. I will have to check with her again later today to see if she’s come to her senses (i.e. has 2nd thoughts) about seeing and meeting a bunch a train geeks. LOL!

Still hopin’ for tomorrow…


Hello hey Steve glad you check in. Tom hope you feel better and can make it. Well it sounds like we will a have nice group for lunch. See you tomorrow Frank

Although my head is pounding, my cough is better. Hoping for a good night’s rest tonight so I can be at the show manana.

I’m planning on 12 noon outside the first building nearest the gate for our rendezvous. I’ll have on the red fleece jacket and black NYC hat and pin.


Well, I made it to the Berea Train show today and stayed ~5 hours. Attendance seemed to be down this year - I’m guessing perhaps to the spotty rain and cooler weather we had throughout the day.

I picked up a few things off my list:

  • 2 x 6 dimensional wood
  • #58/#158 Kadee couplers

and a few that weren’t:

  • 2 x 3, 3 x 4, and 4 x 6 - 2-mil zip-loc storage bags
  • P&LE t-shirt (teal) for my wife

I got a chance to see and jaw with some fellow forum members at lunch:

  • Frank (0-6-0)
  • Dan P (NeO6874)
  • Dan S (dansapo)
  • Steve

And I finally was able to meet Larry (Brakie). I think I enjoy meeting fellow MRRers as much as attending the shows. All in all, it was a good day.


[FYI: If you’re going to the show and looking for a great deal, there’s a NYC Trix 2-8-2 Mike going for $225. (MSRP: $600 w/sound) When I inquired whether it was used or not, the vendor said he didn’t know but would let it go for $200. I already have both NYC Mikes (love 'em) so I’m not interested in buying another one. However, if you’re looking for both a terrific looking and running locomotive, this would definitely be worth considering.]

As Tom noted it was nice meeting other forum members and placing faces behind the names…

Over al it was a good show and I picked up 3 Athearn BB locomotives lettered for Conrail for $22.00 each.These will be used at the club…There was lots of good deals to be had if one shop around.

Nothing new for N Scale…

Now then…

On the “Ahh,Boy did I blow it side”.

When I made my first walk though I notice a Atlas Alco switcher for $10.00 letter for SP…I actually stop and looked it over and thought it would be hard to remove the paint and weathering…Only when I got to the 4th building I realized that was a “super deal” that one should pass by…[banghead]

Today was a good day, as Tom & others have mentioned we met up for lunch & were able to put faces to some of the names on the forums here. I ended up nabbing a NCE Powercab, and a couple of DVD’s. One was one of the green frog PRR videos – apparently the tagline “last days of steam” literally meant “15 seconds of steam, and the rest of the video is diesel”. slightly disappointed with that, but it’s a good video nonetheless. The other one was a 4-episode set from History Channel… Locomotion or something like that.


Now your new bride is r-e-a-l-l-y going to think your a geek. [(-D] A warm welcome to DCC, bud…[Y][8D]


Tom,I wonder what the record is for a new husband to sleep on the sofa or worst outside in the dog house?

Here’s a method I found quite useful.

When returning late from the club or after spending to much money on the hobby I would throw my hat into the house…If it flew back out the door I knew I was in deep kimchi and it was best not to push my luck.[:-^][(-D]

Going this morning. Hope you left something to buy.


Hello A pleasure meeting you gentlemen, didn’t think it was overly crowded there. Found six AC&Y N scale boxcars and a few other things. Till the next time… Steve

This year is the first time in six years that I wasn’t able to make it, owing to family obligations both days.

I’ve pretty much run out of storage space for new projects, so I’ve cut back on the number of trains shows I go to, but I usually make sure that I get to Berea. With a stop at Wings Hobby on the way home.

Hopefully next year!

Steve,I agree…This is the first show I wasn’t used for a bumping block for baby strollers.I usually get bump at least once every show.

If memory serves there seem to be more N Scale this year then last and again if memory serves there was more deals to be had.

This is the second show I attended this year and found good deals.

Next show is the Milan show…

Because I haven’t been to this show for 4 or 5 years, the wife and I decided to drive up there yesterday. I hadn’t seen this thread about you guys meeting up, so I regrettably missed out on that. I got a good deal on Walther’s “New River Mining Comapany” and a couple of small items. I almost bought a PRR “Centipede” that was $40.00 off, but decided to pass on it. Today I’m thinking I should have got it. I do this to myself a lot. Well, maybe I’ll find one at Timonium at the end of the month.



I didn’t realize that you were an AC&Y fan. I really like that little line and would love to get a car or two for my layout in my era.

And, as you mentioned at lunch, it was very nice that the warden let you out for the day. Please say hello to your cell mates Larry and ???, who’s name I’ve forgotten at the moment.
