Need a steam loco

I need a steam loco in HO scale for my new layout. Would prefer 2-8-2 or 2-8-0. It needs to be able to negotiate 20" radius turns. Must be DCC or DCC ready and able to accept or have a Tusnumi (?) sound decoder. What makes are best performers? What should I stay away from? Any advise?

I’ve heard good things about the Bachmann Spectrum 2-8-0 (I don’t have one myself).

2-8-2’s I can recommend the Broadway light Mikado,good detail, sound equipped (mine is an early run QSI sound system),decent puller,smooth quiet runner. The Athearn Genisis 2-8-2 is hit or miss for running quality (I’ve got two of them, the first one I had developed the split gear which afflicted some of them), too light weight to pull much of anything,smooth quiet runner providing the aforementioned drive gear doesn’t self destruct,kind of sparsely detailed (by current standards). Trix Mikado well detailed, smooth quiet runner, I’m operating on DC so I don’t have acces to the Trix’s sound effects.

Hope this helps.


You can get the Bachmann Spectrum 2-8-0 Consolidation with a SoundTraxx Tsunami already installed. Micro-Mark is selling them for $169.95 with DCC and Sound. catalog number 83812 or 83813.

If you move quickly, you may be able to get a Bowser kit. They have 2 each of the 2-8-0 and 2-8-2. One of each is a Pennsy prototype with the signature Belpaire (square) firebox. The other of each is a more generic look. The kit advantage is that if you put it together, you know how to take it apart and repair or service it. And because of the heavy boiler casting, these things will pull a good sized train.

The last two kits I bought were equipped with a newer style motor that already had both brushes insulated from the frame, making for easier DCC conversion.

I would highly recommend the Bachmann Spectrum 2-8-0. Mine is perfect right out of the box and the detail is fantastic. Mine was purchased with the Tsunami already installed. A little digging around online and you can find them for well under $200.

I’ll follow up on the recommendation of the Spectrum 2-8-0, especially for a layout with 20" radius. It’s a nice looking, excellent running loco, and a surprisingly good puller for its size.

Tom [:)]

I too would recommend the Spectrum 2-8-0 engine, in addition I would also suggest you take a look at the Spectrum 2,10-0, 4-6-0 and 4-4-0 engines as well.

All of these engines are capable of running on 18" track so your 20" is no problem.

I would also recommend the Bachmann Spectrum execellent locos.

I have 2 Bachman 2-8-0s --one from10 years ago straight DC and one I just got for $69 with DCC

no sound --run them both DC and they are great performers


The Bachmann Spectrum 2-8-0s are very nice locomotives. For the 2-8-2, I have a BLI and two Trix Mikes. The Trix Mikes are just beautiful; both detail-wise AND operationally. They are no longer made so they are both harder to find than the BLIs and more expensive. I was able to pick both of mine up off eBay for less than $250 a piece.

Another thing is that I actually prefer the Trix Mike chuff to the BLI. The Trix Mike chuff from the Loksound decoder has a wonderful “throaty” sound to it vs. the higher/tinnier pitch from the QSI decoder of the BLI. Even so, either one is a great buy. The BLIs come in both Light and Heavy versions.



How are the IHC Mikes these days? I see Walthers has a bunch on sale now.

IHC also has a 2-8-0. I heard it’s a decent runner. Roundhouse has an old-time 2-8-0.

I have several older IHC steam engines and they all run very smoothly but are not nearly as detailed as a Bachmann Spectrum.

None were DCC ready, but I have found room in the boiler for TCS M-1 decoders, and managed to squeeze a SoundTraxx DSX sound-only decoder into the tender of a 4-6-2 Pacific because it had electrical pickup wipers on the tender trucks totally separate from the locomotive.

IHC locos are made in Slovenia by Mehano, which has filed for bankruptcy. A fellow club member recently purchased an IHC 2-8-2 Mikado that has electrical pickup from both the tender and drive wheels, but it still was not DCC ready.

I have seen the innards of only one IHC diesel engine and wouldn’t want one of them.

Don’t judge the IHC “Premier” steam to one of the diesels. There’s no comparision. The steam is a smooth runner but does lack in detail and can be a bear for a decoder.

The “Premier” actually is a smoother runner than my Bachman “Spectrum”, but the Bachman is avail DDC ready or so equipt as mentioned. The Bachman does have a higher level of detail also. I would recommend the Broadway light mike or the Spectrum consolidation. There’s also the Hertiage Berkshire (Dcc ready or sound) Fantastic level of detail and excellent runner. It is a bit light though in pulling.

I agree, I bought my 2-8-0 from a dealer that specializes in factory returns for $50 and it still runs great. It has Bachmann DCC onboard, however I run a DC layout and have heard that the decoders included on these locomotives are cheap and need to be replaced to get good performance. I have NOT hear anything bad about tsunami sound decoders though. As for quality I have 3 spectrums (a 2-8-0, a Dash 8-40c, and a HHP-8) and they are in my opinion only second to Kato’s. I don’t really recommend Ahearn’s after an experience I had with one of their RTR locomotives. But back to the 2-8-0, they are very well detailed and run on low radius corners too. I run mine on 18" corners and Atlas snap switches all the time without problems. Overall I would recommend any locomotive by Spectrum. (Also I think the 2-8-0 got an award from . Did it?)

Please take note that a number of the on-line Hobby Shops as well as advertisements in MR have the Spectrum non-sound steam engines on at heavily discounted prices.

Some of these are DCC equipped. It certainly appears the Bachmann is switching over to DCC or DCC with sound as being their standard engine in their Spectrum steam line.

It really seems strange to see IHC steam engines priced higher than Spectrum steam engines. It really pays to shop around before purchasing any model railroad item.

The Spectrum 2-8-0 is very nice. I have 2, both non-sound, with TCS T-1 decoders.

The IHC 2-8-0 runs very nicely. Less detailed, which can mean less to break off. No DCC plug, but the motor is isolated from the frame, and has 2 wires running to it, which would make a good simple first decoder install. I got my pair for $35 each.