Need help finding a few peaces of track


Could someone please tell me where I can find a Double slip switch( #6 ) , and a 3 way. Both Code 100 .
I been trying to find it myself but keep coming up empty. Also a list of vendors that ppl have used and have liked would be great also. Thanks for the help.

Shinohara and Peco both offer(ed) these.

I saw a few double slips on ebay the other day. Don’t know if they ended yet. Both of these are rather pricey. So you might want to keep checking ebay every so often. I found a Shinohara curved turnout there and got it delivered to my front door for $6.00 less than my LHS sold it for!

Good Luck!

Just checked Walthers and ebay:

They have what you are looking for from both companies in stock, and I saw a Peco 3-way on ebay.

Peaces of track? I always thought track was pretty peaceful, myself.

It is…until it decides to start derailing locomotives [:D]

Ah, the wonderful advantage of building from raw rail, loose ties and spikes!

Would you believe a three-way switch on a curve? (610, 700 and 820mm radii, all to the right when viewed facing-point.) How about TWO of them?

How about a #5.67 single slip? (Not really planned. It just happened that way.)

How about not having to order or bid, wait for delivery and then discover that what you bought isn’t quite what you thought it would be? (If it isn’t right, pull it up and recycle the parts into the new, hopefully better, version.)

Last, but hardly least, how about having those $$$ to spend on something else you’d like to have?

Just a couple of thoughts from an old-line tracklayer.