Need help finding rail for handlaid track

Could someone please tell me where I might find code 83 nickel silver rail stock. I want to try my hand at handlaying rail. I’ve looked everywhere and can find no sources. It sounds like some of you are laying your own rail. Where do you get the stuff? I’ve looked thru the Atlas, Bachmanns, Walthers web sites and can find no mention of it. I think it must be like buying rubbers in the 60’s; they keep it out of plain sight so as not to send the gentle folk into a swoon. Any help would be appreciated.

Hi Tom,

I use Micro Engineering’s code 83 rail on my own layout, and I buy it from Walthers so I know they carry it. You can find Micro Engineering’s address on this Web site, and its products are listed on page 286 of the 2001 Walthers HO catalog. If you want to look it up on Walthers’ Web site, the manufacturer number is 255. The plain code 83 rail is no. 255-17083, and the weathered code 83 rail, which I prefer is no. 255-16083.

Good luck,


Andy Sperandeo, Editor

Earlier I wrote that you could find Micro engineering’s address on this Web site, but then I found that I was wrong about that. So, to contact this manufacturer write to:

Micro Engineering co.
1120 Eagle Rd.
Fenton, MO 63026

or phone 800-462-6975.

So long,

Andy Sperandeo, Editor