Need help finding train stores in Munchen and Amsterdam

My friend is going to these to two places in Europe in April. While he is on vacation he stated he would do some shopping for me on Euro trains. I have provided the addresses for anyone whow knows of a train store near these places that can give an address and name of a train store near by. Thanks

Hotels he is staying at:

Hitel Jedermann
Bayerstrasse 95, 80335
München, Germany

Hôtel Rookies

Korte Leidsedwarsstraat 147
1017 Amsterdam The Netherlands



Have you checked the shop directory at the back of MR? There are some listings for foreign train shops back there that carry the magazine (I don’t have a copy handy, otherwise I’d give the addresses to you). Some of them may only carry American prototypes, but they may be able to guide your friend to any nearby Euro-prototype stores.

Hi, try place: . It is in Munchen. Hope it helps.

Also for driving directions try .
