need help finding

In the special issueby Model Trains Step by Step by MR there was Nscale layout Carolina Central I did that one but there was in an issue of MR that they had an add on to that layout can anyone help me which issue it was in or send photos of the design and track plans from it missing 5 months worth from 2005 Not sure which month I saw it in heer are the ones it might be in these are the ones I am missing January, March, July, August, and December if that helps in any could some one please help so I can have another winter goal thanks.

January has a 2x6 expantion of the Turtle Creek Central layout, and March has scenery for it. July and August don’t mention a Carolina Central. December’s issue is at work (picked it up on a lunch hour and haven’t brought it home yet), so I can’t tell you about it.

I’m just curious, but why don’t you do your own design instead of somebody elses? It’s not hard, and it’s very rewarding.

Or just add on to the layout plan you’ve already got hold of. Changing one’s mind on the layout plan is the best fun you can have without a layout to run trains on.

The track plan I used was designed by a guy back in the 1960’s, however, I’m sure he never built it as most of the curves of track detial simply wouldn’t fit in the space he’d planned for it! Again it has been adapted by me to fit into the space I have.
