Need help on a Layout plan

My layout is two 4x8 tables arranged in an 8x12 L shape. Does anyone have any links to sites or any ideas on a track plan I could use?

You can use any of the search engines and type in sectional layout plans or check out the Atlas layout plans for ideas. It sounds like you have a decent amount of space. You might use some of the referances from MR and sit down with pen and paper and decide what you want on your layout ie min radius, operation, era etc.

Good luck and we hope you will keep us updated as to your progress.

there are tons of layouts on this page
all scales and all sizes, you should find something.
what about the atlas website? they have some.

have fun


How big of a room will you have your 8 x 12 L-shaped layout in? Have you considered an “around-the-wall” layout instead? You’ll be able to utilize more of your layout for running or switching and you won’t end up with less wasted space. There are books available that discuss this in more details. Something to think about…


automatic reversing front point A to point B,go back to point A.
Thank you,