Need Help! (P2K trucks issue)

OK, I am stumped and dont wanna break anything else while learning.

I have Proto 2000 SD 7 and I am trying to figure out how to remove the truck frames, with out breaking anything. The diagram is lacking in exact detail, and I just broke a small clip trying[V]. Feel lucky with that minor damage.

I am trying to get off the side frames so I can paint it. Is there a trick to it? Any help would be huge. Thank you…

There are 2 ways.

  1. the hard way (and safe): Detach the the truck wires and the 2 wires coming from the motor from the circuit board, then pull off the fuel tank, remove the 4 screws and also remove the 2 screws at both ends of the weights. Lift the weight off the frame and remove the clips that hold the trucks in place, freeing the trucks.
    Slide a screw driver between the sideframe and the truck and pry away the clips that retain the gear cover, once the gear cover is removed the sideframes will slide out.

  2. The easy way (but less safe): Turn the drive upside down and with a screwdriver pry the gear cover up (it takes a bit force). Once the gear cover is off, the sideframes will slide out. I have used this method with no problems.

Do the reverse of whichever method you used to reassemble.

Model Railroading is Fun!

What no tape? No velcro? [:(!]Argh…

Ok. Thank you for that. It seemed like the tabs went inside. Sure glad I waited. Thanks for the quick response M.M.

Worked like a charm. For everyone else some qucik observations…

I followed the above adivce Model Maker, I went with option 2.

Trick, miseed the first time, there 6 total clips on the SD farme. The middle two clibs are staggered. A good light or flash light might help to find them.

I used a X-Acto blade to reach in undo them. The clips are quite soft, does not much force at all to pry them off.

When pulling them off, be careful of the contact strip. Since I went with #2, I had to make sure when I pulled the side off, I didnt yank the copper strip with wire out with it.