Greetings all,
I’m currently in the process of writing Freeware software to control DCC trains through Lenz hardware and I need some help.
Right now I’m working on artwork to represent the various function buttons that are available to QSI decoders. You can see them at
I need help with a few functions that I’m not sure how to represent. I could use images, or ideas how to represent these functions.
F4: Steam Blower Hiss (Steam)
F6: Startup (Both)
F7: Gas Turbine Toggle (Diesel?)
F7: Long Air Letoff (Steam)
F9: Air Letoff (Steam)
F9: Shutdown (Both)
Additions are currently in the works for cab lights, number boards, brake squeel, cooling fans, and dynamic brakes. So those I have covered in addition to what’s already on the web page.