Need help removing loco shell from Walthers 8-40b

I have several Walthers Trainline 8-40B 4 axle locos that I bought back in the late 90s and I wanted to remove the shells to do some needed maintenance and lube work. How do I remove the shell from this type of engine. I already removed two screws on the coupler pockets but the shell does not want to come off.


The two coupler screws ARE the only mechanical means of holding the shell to the frame. The thing is, the shell is a very snug fit over the chassis. There are two vertical extensions at the front and rear of the chassis that fit tight against the inside of both front and rear hoods.

The shell must be removed straight up. Just use a small screw driver and work your way around - front to back / side to side - it WILL come loose.


I removed the shell using your instructions. It was on tight and I just pushed down on the fuel tank and shell came off after some wiggling.

Thanks [:)]