I am custom painting my passenger cars and I have already applied the decals with MicroSet and MicroSol. I need to know what to do now. I have read that you need to put on MicroFlat to seal it in, or do I really not need to do that.
Once the decals are applied, smoothed and dried, you should apply some sort of spray sealant. Decals, even when applied, are pretty delicate and the edges will always have a tendency to curl off the surface.
Depending on the desired surface, you can use a flat, satin or even gloss finish. I would go with satin for passenger cars. I have a small can of Model Master satin finish, but if you’re doing this a lot you might want to go to the hardware store and get a can of Krylon instead.
The satin finish will protect the decals. If you look at it and decide you’d prefer a flatter or more glossy finish, it’s OK to overspray with that.
Thank you so much, I will try the satin out and finish up the cars.