Some suggestions from my modeling bibliography:
cornfields from artificial turf Mod RRer Apr93 p.120
corn w Astroturf Great Model Railroads 2008 p.49
cornfield from bread tie wrappers NMRA Bull Feb83 p.31
corn stalks ModRRer Aug94 p.104
from plastic asparagus fern Mod RRer Apr81 p.98
cornfield w Busch HO kit Model Railroader Sept06 p.40
farm field, for cotton, grapes, strawberry, tomatoes or cabbage, using thread and foam
Model Railroader Mar2010 p.30
farm- soybeans with Faller scenery mat Model Railroader Oct09 p.32
farm- wheat field with Busch plastic wheat stalks Model Railroader Oct09 p.32
dead grass along r.o.w. after weed control Model Railroader Mar08. p.55
fake fur Model RRer Aug96 p.86
felt grass & weeds ModRRer Jan82 p.118
grass patches from 3M synthetic steel wool ModRRer Aug98 p.82
grassy clumps w pot toppers Model Railroader Sep10 p.28
knee-deep grass, modeling w/ “Silflor” a new German product
ModRRer Feb 2001 p.72
meadows w elevtrostaticf applicator Model Railroader Sept 07 p.71
prairie grass, from fake fur stuck in plaster and pulled out the
wrong way through the back. N Scale NovDec99 p.47