I uploaded two photos to the galleries,trying to post them on the forum. I read and reread the how to post. I get as far as getting the photo to appear in the post body and can’t get any further.
I don’t have an mounain/sun icon above either
Could someone help me understand what it is I got wrong?
Have no fear, many have been in your shoes before, and some of them actually figured it out![swg][(-D][(-D]
Sorry, don’t take that the wrong way. I’m not trying to make fun of you.
The fact that you don’t have the mountain/sun icon suggests that your browser is not playing nice with the forums. Without that icon you ain’t goin’ nowhere.
I suggest that you try a different browser to see if you can get the mountain/sun icon to show up. I am currently using Google Chrome and it works fine. In the past I have used Firefox and IE but they both ended up not working.
Just to clarify, have you put your photographs into a photo hosting service like Photobucket? If not, that is what you need to do once you have the icon.
Once you have the icon, and your photos in Photobucket, the rest is just a matter of a few clicks of the mouse.
I hope you don’t think I’m being condescending by suggesting that the process is simple. Clearly it is not. Get the icon and you should be good to go. If you can’t get the icon, I would e-mail, or better, phone Model Railroader for help.
I never use the icon when posting a photo from Photobucket. I just go to Photobucket click on image I want click on IMG/DIRECT until it says copied…press enter to drop IMG from text line…press CTRL V press enter again and when You click on…Submit Your Reply…Img. will show. I use Google Chrome and still use Windows XP/Sometimes 7, no longer use FireFox, got tired of it freezing and did not always work on CS.Trains, I also pay for My Anti-Virus, don’t have any problem’s with any site, I frequent. I use a Acer Laptop large Multi-screen, I can be on three sites, at the same time, which is 8yrs old…but installed a larger memory chip…which makes it super fast. Every two days, I run a cleaner, that removes, temp files, viruses etc. I’m a believer in,‘‘IF it ain’t broke, don’t fix it’’.
Take Care! [:D]

What are "the galleries?: If Flickr gives an address that ends as a .jpg, I haven’t found away to do that.
He has entered two photos into the MRR photo galleries. I do what Frank does, kind of, when photo bucket says “copied” in yellow, after clicking on “IMG”, the photo is now “copied” and ready to be “paste” into the reply. Then I go back to the post I’m working on, and click on “Paste”, and the photo is in the post. The only thing I have problems with is, everything you type after that is in blue, and becomes a direct link back to Photo Bucket.
I use IE to get this forum to work right, and I ususally use Fire Fox as my main browser.
I did not know about the galleries. Edit, no i can’t post from the galleries. The pic is there in the preview, then it is gone.
I have never used the Galleries.
I copy and paste from Photo Bucket right into the message.
Works everytime. Very easy.
Please read the sticky post “How to Post a Photo to the Forums” at the top of the MR General Discussion Forum. That will answer all your questions, including why linking to photos in MR’s User Gallery doesn’t work.