Need Help With Reversing Loops

The address below is to a picture of my layout that I hope to install. I hope the image is at the address I have listed as I have not done this before using Imgur. The last time I attached a photo to a post, you could actually add the photo to the message, I think.

I drew this layout using AnyRail 6, which I am not too good at using; however, it is much better than the hand drawn layout I tried to make. Please note that this drawing is not to scale, but I believe I have the room to install this layout. The bench work is complete, but I have not yet laid any track.

I am hoping that someone, who really understands reversing loops, can help me with where they need to go. The longer I looked at the drawing of what I want to do, they more confused I became. Please ask any questions you may have. I look forward to any help anyone can provide!

Jack Fletcher

Address to photo, I hope:

To me it looks like the orange and the green are continous run tracks, and don’t double back on themselves anywhere, so I’m not seeing any place where a reversing loop would be needed.

Reversing loop would be need if there was one green line, and one orange line, with a loop at each end for trains to run back on the same track.

Unless I’m totally missing something.


Jack if you see a upward right curving arrow, or a list of links to the right of your pic, copy the BB link and just paste it in your post like it is text

Edit Edit I see 3 2 reversing situations.

The turntable, depending on how it is wired.

The single crossover at the top right, between the green and red line, Hard to see but the circles appear to be the point side of each turnout. However the red and green line would be wired identically, engines could still follow the route of the arrows and there would be no reversing.

The maintenance yard if you travel in the direction opposite the arrows, the left most blue line creates the reversing situation there.

Seems to me with a layout this big, you would want another crossover between the two mainlines.

I’m not familiar with you program, and you say it’s not to scale, but the turnouts coming down into the yard seem closer together than will be possible.

I tweaked his drawing a bit and found the cross connection.

Click on the picture to make it larger.

The arrows stayed put this time.


My Model Railroad

Bakersfield, California

I’m beginning to realize that aging is not for wimps.

I’m not seeing any crossovers between the 2 main line runs. So you are saying where the two lines are really close in the right hand corner, there is a crossover?

I’m sure your right about the turntable, I’ve never put one in. And it does look like one of the maintainance tracks connects back to the orange main line.

I can’t read any of the writing, so I’m sure I’m missing a bunch.


Thanks Mel.

There are two turnouts above a blue colored bar that I think says “maintance” ( just above the word Lambert). the turnout on the left leads off to the left and connects to what (i think) is a red track. This creates a reversing section. Edit: Mels arrows now point this out. Arrows were located in a different place when I posted

I cleaned it up a bit more.

Double click on the picture to expand.


My Model Railroad

Bakersfield, California

I’m beginning to realize that aging is not for wimps.

Mel beat me to it. However, the arrows fooled us. If that’s the only cross over between green and red, the two lines could be wired in the same phase and there would not be a reversal.

The OP needs to clarify the track connection at the top of the track diagram. It is pretty hard to see from the way that track diagram is drawn. If there is a crossover connection between the green and orange tracks, there could be an issue with reverse polarity.

Regarding that connecting track between the two yards, that would present another issue of reverse polarity, but is that connecting track really necessary?

As far as the turntable is concerned, it all depends upon the manufacturer and brand. If the rotation device is a split ring, then no reverse polarity would be created as the turntable rotates.


Which brings us back to the point, that I may have edited out of my initial post. It is a reversing section only on one path. Trains traveling in the direction of the arrows can only reverse by backing into the reversing section, switchback style. With a layout that size, I would want a reversing section, but I don’t think I would want that reversing section

I’m with Big Daddy, connecting the green and orange tracks at the top of the layout does not creat a reversing section. It simply connects two loops going in the same direction

By putting a double crossover between the green and orange tracks, at the top of the layout, and connecting the two green tracks behind the engine house, (or close to the engine house) with two left hand turnouts you would have two reversing sections that run in opposite directions and you can run any which way. (assume you leave the existing reversing section as it is.

I just looked at the replies sent in response to my post. I am amazed! I will look over the replies and reply to what y’all have said. Thanks,
