Need ideas for building: Pullman processing facility

I need ideas for a pullman processing building. These were used to prepare cars for use. They changed out sheets and sometimes replaced foodstuffs.

I already have an REA building planned to handle my RPO cars.

If it were me, i’d get as many pictures of the real facility as possible and study them for ideas on modeling it . There are all kinds of products to use from walls, windows, doors, ect… that look prototipical including scratch building with styrene plastic, brass, and bass and balsa wood.

Try looking at the items in all the online hobby shops for special detail parts and building parts and the like that can be included in the scene you want to create…chuck

This is a passenger-car washing facility, currently on sale at Walthers:

You might find that it’s more interesting to model stuff like this that’s out-of-doors rather than a large building that cars roll through.

IIRC, the commissary that serviced diners at the Washington Union Station was simply a building next to the track with a car-floor-height platform and a couple of roll-up doors. I’m not sure how the sleepers were supplied, but I would be surprised if a roll-around cart (like that used by motel housekeepers) wasn’t part of it.

Chuck (modeling Central Japan in September, 1964)

I would guess that the foodstuffs, dishes, & other kitchen items were “processed” from a different location than things like bedsheets, blankets, pillows, toilet tissue, soap, playing cards, matches, etc. But like you I don’t know and am only guessing. Did all these types of items come from the commisary, or is the commisary only for kitchen related things?

There was a article somewhere in my MR magazines that had a very specific list of Comissary items for the Diner that was necessary. So many pounds of Butter, So many pounds of Lettuce, meats etc. Im going crazy trying to locate it.

I found it.


Classic Trains, Winter 2001 Issue titled World War 2, article B&O Goes to war page 25

There was a list of needed items presented as a scrap of paper.

40 pounds butter, 6 Cases pork and beans, (Whew…) Four cases tomatoes, 40 quarts ice cream, 100 pounds beef roast, 80 pounds pork chops, 4 issues each of time and newsweek.

As delivered to the kitchen car of MAIN 6827

Not a exact qoute, excess information left out for clarity.