need info on Southwestern Pennsylvania RR & New Castle Industrial

can anyone tell me anything about Southwetsern Pennsylvania RR such as how long it is ? i heard it is 65 miles long but added up i get about just 52 miles. also how long is new castle industrial railroad at new castle pennsylvania and what engines it has? i heard it had former michigan northern GP7 #1606 that once was on the SWP till about 1998

lou, Can’t awnser your question but have you come across anything about the Waynesburg & Washington Railroad ? I’m planinning on modeling it and I’m looking for info.

Carpenter matt

what do you want to know about SWP…they are in my back yard…
csx engineer

CSXengineer98, If you don’t mind saying what town or county do you reside in?
My dad’s side of the family has resided in green county up until three years ago.
My mom’s side is all from the Washington Area.

Carpenter matt

i would like to keep where i live just to a genneral area…im in the pittsburgh area…
here is some info for you on the SWP…
they run from uniontown PA…greensbrug PA… MT Pleasent PA… Connellsville PA… now thier sister road…the AVR has just leased part of the CSX P&W main… to glenshaw glass… and the CSX line to washington PA… (W&P) or as the crews called it…“the Pike” as well as part of the csx yard in glennwood…
as for the kind of power they use…i dont know what the actule units are…aka models…but they are all junk…lol
hope this helps… feel free to ask more

oh yea…i forgot…SWPs office is in scottdeal PA…and the AVR is based out of the csx yard office at the glenwood yard in hazelwood