need paint for lowey NP 2 tone green ?

I want to paint a f7 ab set of undec walthers w/QSI to match (or close) walthers NP streamliners . but cant get a paint color ?

tried down loads of color from charts from flowquill ,tanaya,badger ect but no good to erratic …on my computor /printer ,need good color charts

oh, and should I paint (or should I say try) the white stripe or use the decal ? any help or ideas Jerry …and no Ive not done this before but have a pashe H and enough no how to be dangerous



Did you try Scalecoat II, they have NP Dark Green and Light Green.

Rick J[2c]

thanks Rick ; I did verify and slid one of each color (scale coat 2)into my cart @ walthers , havent ordered yet as I,m waiting for more input…Jerry

well after searching & searching for a color chart ,it appears the NP lite green & dark green I ordered are the WRONG NP lite green & dark green according to the color chart I finally found [:(!] Maybe I can cancel my order @ Walther’s ,I guess nobody makes a NP lowey paint match ,I will be sending a e-mail off to scalecoat …oh well… PS: now I understand why all the f units in the lowey scheme go for top dollar …Jerry

well an update,according to the gentleman @ weaver /scalecoat the paint I ordered is correct for the NP north coast limited [:)] ,of coarse thats unless the NP had MORE than one color scheme for the NCL ??we shall see Jerry

Unfortunately there is more than one. Three if one counts the Pullman green of the heavyweight train. It changed in 1954.

Here is the older scheme on the cover of a book on

Ah yes : thanks for the warm and fuzzy [:|], and that is a great picture of the pine tree scheme (what I thought it was called) such a good picTure I can see that it is very dark green not black as I had thought.

I spoke to walthers today, and they could not give me ANY referance to a color match fot threr NP streemliners

also got my micoscale decals and they well do ether the lowey shceme or the early pine tree ,even has a chart and paint numbers but I think the paint speced is 1:1,the brand name is" Duco" well we shall see Jerry

Have you contacted the Northern Pacific Railway Historical Association It may take some digging; but, I’m sure there is information there that can help you.

I think that trying to match paint colours on a computer monitor is going to be a real hit-or-miss proposition.
For example, here are two photos of the same loco, taken on different days. Each photo replicates the colour which I saw on that particular day:

Other variables are the reliability of colours in old photos, your layout room lighting, and your personal interpretation of colour in general.

That said, [:-^] Testors Model Master FS 34159 SAC Bomber Green looks very close to the light green in your photo, while FS 34092 Dark Green seems close to the dark green, although perhaps a little too dark.

I think that if you’re unable to find off-the-shelf colours with which you’re happy, you’ll need to mix the colours which you require. My usual procedure is to purchase colours which seem close, then experiment by adding other colours using what I call the brushload method. Dip a brush into the colour with which you’re using to begin, and deposit it on a non-porous surface, either something like glass which can be cleaned and re-used or something disposable. I prefer the plastic caps from the clear plastic containers in which Krazy Glue is sold - removed the soft plastic insert and use the cap as a mini mixing bowl. Depending on how much the base colour needs to be altered, you may need to start with more than one brushload of that colour. Clean the brush using just a paper towel or tissue, then dip it into the other colour(s) as you think appropriate, keeping track of how many brushloads of each colour are used. Some mixtures can be manipulated quite a bit, while others will quickly reach a point where they should be abandoned. You will soon

thanks Guys; love those picts and see your point , and the info on "mixing " is well taken …also noted the light & drk greens do look more military than railroad…Jerry

I do not have a copy but the only book I know of that had paint chips that were supposedly totally accurate was Arther Dubin’s book for Kalmbach, Pullman Paint and Lettering Notebook : a Guide to the Colors Used on Pullman Cars from 1933 to 1969.

Don’t know if NP colors were included in that book but the colors of many railroads were.

Dave Nelson

well after some research I have questions :

  1. whats the difference in the f-7 & f-9 ?? reason ,couldn’t find a Pict of a f-7 in loewy paint only f-9 & fp s OOPS got my answer only differance is amount of louvers 5 on f-9, 4 on f-7 ,besides more power on f-9,and yes I found f-7 in loewy shceme

  2. was the " mainstreeter "the same paint scheme as the "north coast limited"aka loewy ??

guess I should do my research before starting a project …Jerry

Have you looked at TruColor Paints? The have both NP dark and light green, #'s 57 & 58. The color chips they have on line are (IMHO) terrible but their paint is excellent. Whether or not the colors suit you will depend upon your eye. Good luck!

Hey thanks Rodger;it looks like a good [:D]source