Need some helix photos...

I am looking to put a helix on my layout which is HO scale. I want to have one that is a senic helix (im not sure if that is what they are called) like the one on page 71 of model railroad planning 2008 in the bottom right corner.

I was wondering if anyone had one of these if they could post some pictures so I can get some ideas off of it.

I will have some more questions once I gets some more ideas on what grade I want and what radius’s I want.


Joe Fugate in these forums uses a helix.

You Tube Helix

N scale helix.

That might keep you busy.


Here’s my own helix - four tracks and 5 1/2 turns, minimum radius 36". It will be unscenicked, except for a couple of “windows” into the tunnel:

My head is spinning…well, not my head.

The train bowl.

Engine over Observation.

I dont know if I made my self clear, But I dont want a helix like the photos and website that have been posted. Sorry if there was confusion.

I want something kinda like this…

This may be something more what you’re looking for. A guy whose user ID was alan_b, who unfortunately died some months ago, built a “helix” (though it wasn’t a circular one - it was more kidney-bean shaped) that was scenicked. Here’s a before-the-scenery photo:

Here’s an after-the-scenery shot:
