Need some help

Hi all,
I need some help. I’m looking for a train wall mural for my sons room. I’ve been to a couple of train shows and everyone says they have seen them but no one can tell me where to find them.
My wife is all over me to find soemthing so if anyone can give me any help at all i would truly be greatful.

I don’t know anything about a wall mural, but I’ve seen a neat trick that a friend’s wife once did. She took some cloth fabric printed in a train motif and used it as wall paper.

I hope this helps.


You might try a home decorating store or a place like Home Depot. I’ve seen wall borders and other wall-paper related products with train scenes. I’ve also see some people cut out the objects on borders and wall paper and past them on an appropriately painted wall to create a mural.

Neil Besougloff
editor, Classic Toy Trains magazine

Don’t know what your budget is but you may consider having someone come in and paint something for you. We have done this for 2 of our kids rooms. One was a Pooh room for our doughter, the other a football team logo and helmet for our son. We found someone to do if fairly resonable (kind of).

just a thought