Pinehurst man is in critical condition at Memorial Hermann Hospital in Houston after his vehicle collided with a train Wednesday afternoon in southwest Montgomery County and he was transported via LifeFlight helicopter to the hospital.
Wayne Lamont, 47, was exiting a Pinehurst trailer park on Friday Lane when he attempted to cross the railroad track running parallel with FM 1774.
Texas Department of Public Safety Trooper Mike McAnarney said Lamont “failed to yield at the stop sign” posted near the track and ran into the southbound train.
Wayne was the only person in the car.
DPS officers did not report any other factors that may have caused the accident, but a group of Lamont’s neighbors and friends said the thick foliage and lack of crossing guards make the crossing more dangerous than necessary.
“How many accidents are going to have to happen until something is done about this?” several trailer park residents asked.
Park resident John Munoz said the accident is the fourth one at the same location since he moved in two years ago. Other residents said it is the third one this year.
McAnarney said the most recent accident he investigated at the location was approximately six months ago.
Employees of Union Pacific Railroad were present at the scene but declined comment and referred questions to a headquarters in Omaha where no one was available for comment.
DPS officials said the Texas Department of Transportation is responsible for installing crossing guards.
Oh Waba***hat was so crafty. Then there is the old you gotta pay the cost to be the boss.
…The view of the track was not obstructed…on EVERY report yet the locals are saying the view is obstructed. Somebody is fibbing in Texas. I really can’t tell where all these collisions are reported in here can you. The public crossings listed are actually private in the FRA data so the crossing was sight obstructed and no blown whistle. The crossing have gates on one collision and then six months later the gates have turned into cross-bucks. Of course none of the FRA 400 inspectors even bother to go out so they can play dumb.
=====Accident 1 ===== RR report GC0100202 ===== Crossing ID 024349R ===== On Jan 17, 2000 a FREIGHT TRAIN operated by Burlington Northern Santa Fe Corp. [BNSF] hit a CAR at approximately 8:15PM in Texas in MONTGOMERY county on WADE CIRCLE RD road. The incident occurred in/near CONROE city. The rail equipment w as reported to have been traveling at 045 Mph with 3 locomotive(s) and 31 cars(s). The CAR had been traveling in a so uthernly direction. The railroad was operating on main line track over a public road crossing. It was cloudy, at night and the temperature was 61. There were no reported deaths or injuries. The highway user was stopped on the crossing and was reported to h ave (unknown). There were 0 occupant(s) in the vehicle. The view of the track was not obstructed. Hazardous material was not being transported by rail or highway vehicle. The crossing was protected by: Crossbucks AGE/GENDER OF DRIVER UNKNOWN.
=====Accident 2 ===== RR report 0100ET019 ===== Crossing ID 427978T ===== On Jan 22, 2000 a FREIGHT TRAIN operated by Union Pacific RR Co. [UP ] hit a CAR at approximately 2:15PM in Texas in M ONTGOMERY county on FM 1097/STEWART ST road. The incident occurred in/near WILLIS city. The rail equipment was reporte d to have been traveling at 040 Mph with 1 locomotive(s) and 16 cars(s). The CAR had been traveling in a westernly di rection at 002 Mph. The railr
hey kev if he thinks i am going to read that he is crazy. my time is more important than reading all the junk he pasted and if the side bar is so small that it looks like a dot i go on bye
yep we get from point a to point b and guess what for years people who look listen and live tell thier kids and so on and so forth and you are mad becouse you lost a law hoo cry me a river and for years the railroads have one the law suits and for years to come will win why… becouse the railroad has the right of way. and if a city of 90,000 people and only 3 die then there was 89,997 people was smarter than those three. must have been your family. it shows. oh also if you think its going to be that easy wait til you see the counter suits against the estates for neglagence of the dead. those suits have been filed by the crews and the crews did win.
I have been able to keep quiet since you have come on line, but I feel that I must reply to your garbage now.
In this post you put in your parenthisis that the driver “failed to yield at the stop sign”. Seems like a person didn’t heed the warnings that I have read from the others like:Ed, Wabash,Ken,and Kev. that being “LOOK, LISTEN, LIVE”. Apparently he didn’t look if he ran the stop sign. Would you still have put a post on here if that individual ran a stop sign at a highway intersection and collided with another motorist, whether it would have been a tractor trailer, minivan, or car. If that was the case do we put all the blame on the tractor trailer driver, the minivan driver or the car driver. Kind of the same scenario to me. Also seems that the DPS officers found that no other factors contributed to the accident.
I don’t know if Ed remembers a post I replied to about a month ago about my workplace. But I work right beside the NS line in Kentucky. At that particular area I see about 4 trains an hour, go through the crossing we have there. Of all the people that try to cross there when the lights go on is probably about 7 out of 10. I watch most of the trains go through there and I think what dumba@@es these people are to be in that much of a hurry that they can’t wait 30 seconds. I am not going to sit here and say that the railroads are not at fault on everything. They do make mistakes just as easy as you and I do. But to run a crossing or try to beat a train is just plain stupidity. I hold high regards for the men and women that work on the railroad. And you can’t hold them at fault for anything when it comes to some numb nuts running a crossing or trying to beat a train. I watched a man last week in a pick-up at a local business park pull through a crossing in stopped traffic and was stopped on the rails. There is a sign at the crossing that says “DON’T STOP ON TRACKS”. Guess what,the gates come down and hit the back of his bed. He got through though, and I thought the same thing,what a dumb@@
Pick you up when we get rolling that way. Whens the Derby?
Did notice something else in the posting, something I have mentioned several times. Dont think the person who posted it really can read though, just a mouth piece for the other buttweasel, but at the bottom of the article it stated that a trooper stated that “the dept of transportation is responsible for crossing gaurds”. Imagine that…
and it did state there was a stop sign, and the fatality did run the stop sign, but of course, silly me, I forgot that heavy vegitation makes it ok to run a stop sign, after all, the railroad should come clean up someone elses property.
Oh, and bring as many friends along as you can,
Stay Frosty,
Ed,The Unihead, (rember, one big brain outweighs two smaller ones)
The derby was a couple weeks or so ago. I do however get to Louisville about once a week though to deliver the equipment we make.The route I take runs paralell to the “short line” of the old L&N, and don’t think that I leave my camera at home. I tag it along. Get paid to deliver our equipment and take some snapshots on my way back home.
Have a great weekend!
This is my one and only response to this person. I have kept quiet since these crossing forums began but felt inclined to speak up now. I just feel that as long as we keep replying to him he’ll keep on with this crap. If we ignore the crap he’ll eventually go away. So for now, I’ll talk to you in a post that deals with what this forum was intended for. Good ole’ fashioned railroading.
Brian (KY)
ed one other thing you didnt mention that the article did. it said he collided with the train. meaning the head end got by him meaning he hit the side of the engine that was blowing for a crossing and 2 it shows that he was resposible for the accedent. just think if he would have stop listen and live. have you notice that mike and missouri have lost steam and lost the battle . OH and one more thing missouri its pretty simple if you gonna play you gotta pay.
Man, what a deal, you have to drive along beside you local railroad, and they dont mind you taking pictures. It dont get much better than that!
Well, maybe it does, after all, they pay me to ride around on a locomotive, and switch cars.
You have a good weekend too, see you at the station,
The Unihead Ed
ok clown
you forced me to bring my lawnmower inside.i weeded through your garbage and all i see is didn’t stop for or drove around or stalled on.the message is look listen and live.and by the way bring your camera to a crossing nearby because when our train comes by you’ll be able to see which side the dimple is on on my caboose.
stay safe
Here in Ohio if you are caught going through a stop sign at a railroad crossing you will be cited just as you would be at any other stop sign…You get caught going around lowered gates or flashing crossing lights you will be cited.There is no warning tickets given by the Police or OSP.The only exception is if you are wave through by a railroad employee or LEO.
The bias you have is disgusting. You are suggesting that EVERYONE is TRYING TO BEAT THE TRAIN. ~400 people last year trying to beat the train. There is no doubt that some are but what about the ones that aren’t, don’t they deserve there own representation rather than being lumped in with those that make a “stupid move”.
Well spoken for someone who recieves a profit sharing bonus every year from UP. I just wonder what the right of way is there. I have some pics of a bluff that COMPLETELY blocks any chance of seeing a train and guess what CSX owns 100ft of right of way. Imagine that ED!!
I’m glad you think we lost steam. We’ve just come to the realization that you “professionals” just care about one thing. Getting from point a to point b as fast as you can. We’ll standby for a wake up call when your cozy jobs get a little thin after a couple of multi-million dollar settlements because the general public is gradually awakened to what is really happening and starts awarding settlements as a result of gross negligence on the railroads part. Maybe the executives will take the hit instead of you “blueshirts”…nah! probably not.
Wake up and get on board!!!
Oh yes mike… it’s one big conspiricy… wait until you hear what really goes on… the public would be so awakened and ashamed… he secretly plant tress right beside crossings so they grow and obscure traffic… oh between you and me… is ecretly tamper with the rialroad lights and make them come on 2 seocondes later then they should… but you should see the worse thing i do… the public would absolutely hate this one… they will be awakened when they hear this… gater around… i don’t want this to go too far… you know what i do on my train… oh boy… i’ll get in toruble now… heres what i do…
what i am trying to say Mike is there are Morons out there that have no sense whatsoever when it comes to driving around railroads. Everything that i have seen (or heard on these forums) is idiots that try to beat the train, don’t head the warnings that are there when a train is coming, or are just plain DUMB. I will tell you how I feel about yourself and Missouri.
I have a boss that tried to tie his muffler to his driveshaft so his muffler wouldn’t fall off. He also thinks that the oil leak he had one day was coming out of his driveshaft. On our forklift he drilled two holes in the forks so that if we were to move a trailer around we could put the ball hitch in either side depending if we needed to go right or left.
I could go on and on about how dumb this man is, but I must admit you two guys take the cake.
I am also not upholding railroad companies that they do not make mistakes. I am quite sure they do. Just as any other business or individuals in this great land do as well. There will be no one that never makes mistakes but one. He’ll call me home when He’s ready.
But everything that I have read from you two guys is NOT the railroads fault. It’s morons out there that take trains for granted. You run a crossing while the lights are flashing or if the gates are down and that individual hits the train(not the train hitting the individual)then, sorry to say, you asked for it.
I feel for these train crews that have been through this. I know that it can’t be an easy thing to deal with.
Railroads have been around alot longer than vehicles and like I said before it ain’t like they just built them recently.
But for now I am going to take CSX Engineer up on his post and leave you two Morons alone. Call me names, badmouth me, do whatever. I could care less. You ain’t worth it. FO
Brian (KY)