Need some SP history and information

I am setting up a engine and passenger cars for my Southern line. I need some help on the color of the passenger cars. I have a PROTO 2000 E6 Tennessean and was going to kitbash some passenger cars for this setup. I would also like some history on this engine too. If you do not want to type it all out then give me a weblink or recommend a book that is still available. The engine is green and white but are the passenger cars are the same color?

I have found some information but few pics with color.

“Southern streamlined this engine specifically to pull the “Tennessean” from Washington to Lynchburg where the train went on N&W rails and was pulled by the famous streamlined N&W “J” Class over the mountains to Bristol,Tenn. At Bristol brand new (1941) Southern E-6 diesels lettered on each side of the nose with the “Tennessean” signature took over for the trip to Memphis on Southern rails.”

I take it you really mean the Southern and not the Espy (Southern Pacific).

Yeah sorry typing too fast at work.


Just answered my own question as long as this is correct.

Joined on 04-09-2004
North Idaho
Posts 1,297

RE: Southern E6 and cars

You’re in luck! Southern’s lightwieght cars (what would be appropriate for your E-6 AB) weren’t painted at all! They were corrugated stainless steel. I don’t know of any Southern specific model cars but most people make do w/ generic (except for psgr train freaks like me). More good news! One of