Any help??? Any idea where to look or ask??? Lionel will not supply…
If this is the 6 axel job originals are sometimes listed on eBay but are pretty expensive. Lionel does/did have a new issue 6 axel whistle tender, saw one sitting on the counter at Memory Station this week, for, I think, $79.XX. Williams also had the tenders in their cat. as separate sale items.
Hello heckinohio! Try Olsen’s Toy Train Parts,Warren’s Model Train’s, The Train Tender,& George Tebolt. They are all Parts dealers and have websites also.Plus, They have been to the Madison Hardware & Lionel Factory auctions of a few years ago. So, hopefully one of them has what you need. Take Care.
This tender is a 16 wheel jobby, scale size about 11 inches long, says 'Pennsylvania" and has no gold stripes. I will take anything w/or w/out gold stripes so long as it is not blistered or paint lifting. Also this thing is a die casting…Will check w/ above suggestions, just after the weekend is over.