I am a operator collector of regular old 3 rail O scale stuff you know Lionel, MTH, K-line, and have been for some time. I have always taken interest in the 1/48 scale aspects of the hobby. Recently though I find myself becoming more and more interested in On30, a 1/48 scale narrow guage system, that uses HO track. But, before I buy a starter set there alot of things I need to know. Like, outside of Bachmann who else makes On30 items? How realistic can On30 get? And where can I buy items, for this scale if I need to? I think it would be intersting to add some of these items to my layout, and just may if I know more.
I was just scanning through to see if I had a reply to my On3 questions…no luck…I’ll share what little I know with you and perhaps you can share what you have learned since your posting…I have purchased some Bachmann ON3 stuff…It seems to run quite well and the rolling stock is very detailed for the price…I to had planned to mix it with some 1:48 (Lionel) in a layout planned for a home under construction. As for track, while it will run on HO track, Peco makes a sectional track ( and Turnouts) that are far more detailed and to scale ( profile wise) then any HO track. I am not aware of other manufacturers …Before you buy, if you havent already, let me know what kind of prices you get. I have acess to a very large Hobby shop in the Cincinnati area …As an O gauge guy perhaps you have heard of them… Davis Hobbies, Milford, Ohio…Any how, maybe I can find you a better price on your ON3 stuff as well as O stuff…Drop me a line…Rich P…email rap2@att.net