Need to make an alterating flasher circuit

I found a crossing arm in a ditch that was knocked off by a truck. I have it mounted on the wall in my train room. I want to make the lights flash. It has 3 lights with 12v single filliment taillight bulbs. I need an alterating flasher circuit to do this. The ones I’ve found only work for LEDs. Thank-you for any help.

  1. Your LED circuit can drive a double throw relay.

  2. Your LED circuit can drive the lamps directly if it has a decent sized transistor output

  3. A simple directional signal flasher from a car can drive the relay.

  4. Some of these mechanical flashers even have a pilot output which is out of phase with the main output. We used to use these for grill lights in emergency vehicles but I cannot recall the part number.

  5. Fire equipment supply company like Galls should have alternating 12volt flashers but at a more “premium” price.

That should get you started.


I have a set of grade crossing signals in my backyard. I used a twelve volt automotive-type flasher that is used on school busses for the alternating red lights.

Keep in mind that if you are using the original bulbs that were in the signal, they are a high current type bulb - as is the school bus flasher and probably won’t work well on a cheapie transformer output. I’m using a 24 amp supply outside as I also have other signal towers it is driving, but a 3-5 amp source will drive a single cross-buck set just fine. Keep this in mind if you are going to use the relay method as described above that the relay contacts can handle the amperage to the signal.


Thanks for the help. I wired this type of flasher in and got it to work but only with a different power supply. Now I’m looking for a new power supply.