Need your help with N scale layout

In the back of almost every model railroader, there is an ad for a modified reverse dogbone N scale layout. The size is maybe 3’ X 4’, I think. Can someone let me know what the Internet address to buy that layout is?

… there is no web address, just an e-mail address:

Try the web site

you may find a lay-out that suits you well

Does it have a price on the ad? I think it did, along with a small picture.

If it’s the same one I’m thinking it is I wouldn’t get it. The one that I know is always advertised and shows a pic is a flippin spagetti bowl of track if I’ve ever seen one, and didn’t leave much room for scenery or anything. And this is in N! You sure don’t need much for N structers.

You could call any custom builder. This way you will be able to get exactly what you want for your dream layout, not someone else’s. Keep you budget in mind, be realistic and give them a call. Here is a website for a custom builder, below. They work to any level of completion desired.

I just saw the ad - you would not really want to get one of those, would you? As stated befor it is just a wet noodle on a table and 300 hard earned dollars for some track on a cheap wooden table is too much - IMO!

It’s a piece of wood and some Atlas Code 80 flex track with the occasional snap switch thrown in. The turns are also very sharp.