New 5 x 9 N scale Layout plans - Any ideas for improvement would be greatly appreciated

Hello Everyone,

I have been following this forum for some time, trying to learn from everyone’s questions. Now its time for me to stick my head out.

I am attempting to design & build a 5 x 9 N Scale layout, using XtrkCad software. This is a great program. It is a little intimidating for the first few minutes, but after watching a few demos, you feel right at home with it.

My previous layouts were HO, from published plans. On this layout I will use DCC control, either Lenz or Digitrax. All track and turnouts will be Peco Code 55 Finescale, on top of cork road bed. My bench work is L Girder w/ homosote on top of 3/8" plywood. Minimum radius is 12" w/ easements on all main line curves.

The scenery, motive power & rolling stock will be based on the RF&P during the 1970’s, as the merger w/ CSX takes place. This allows me to run a variety of motive power.

My goal is to run 3 trains at a time. Two on independent main lines, and one working the yard. Both main lines have double ended passing sidings, that will also serve industries.

The inner loop is a twice around, while the outer loop is a once around.

In the upper left corner, the 3 track sub is an engine storage and repair facility. To the right is a team track siding. Below is the main yard. Due to space, the arrival/departure tracks for the yard are one in the same.

My concern is that I hope that I have not tried to pack to much track into to small a space, not leaving enough room for scenery. I haven’t decided on all of my scenery as of yet. I’m flexible on the scenery. I have a fleet of wood reefers, so I would like an icing station, along w/ a saw mill and a sawdust burner. Mainly, I want the layout to be fun to operate.

I would appreciate any and all comments that anybody has, to make this a better layout.



Some of the checks I do for scenery on a track plan I’ve drawn:

  • get some actual dimensions of buildings I might like from the Walters catalog. Don’t worry about era or other aesthics of the structure at this point, I’m just trying to get a feel as whether I’ve allowed enough room at the chosen spot. Construct a rectangle of the building’s outside dimensions to the scale of the track plan, and place on the plan. I then check to make sure I allowed enough clearance between the proposed building and any adjacent track.

  • where tracks run nearly parallel to each other at different elevations, I check for the horizontal separation between tracks to be equal to greater than the vertical separation between the tracks plus 2" in HO (adjust the latter for other scales). This ensures there is adequate space for sloping mountainsides rather than retaining walls everywhere. Even this 45 degree slope is unrealistically steep, but it’ll do in my compressed world. It’s better than retaining walls and cliffs everywhere.

One of my comments is that the plan doesn’t seem to do anything other than provide a yard and track to run 2 trains continuously on. That 's what you said you wanted. But there are no “towns” nor switching opportunities other than yard classification apparent. A typical small town on a railroad line has a passing siding and several spurs serving industries.

Basically, in small layouts your highest priorities must dominate. If watching 2 trains run continuously is your priority, then you appear headed in the right direction. You might want to simplify the yard to provide more scenery room to watch the trains run through interesting scenery.

On the other hand, if you want to switch at towns along the main, then you will probably have to give up the 2 separate continuous runs in the given space.

Final comment is that a 5x9 can only have one end against a wall due to access

I’d liek to step back a step. Are you committed to 5x9? If so, why? How big is your space? What is around it?

I think it is going to be challenging to scenically separate the loops, and as has already been pointed out, everything goes to the same place. I think we can do ‘better’!

Welcome to the forum – and nice plan.

The major concerns that I would have is:

  1. This layout should be accessible from all four sides. If you bump even one side up against a wall you will make a long reach somewhere.
  2. Not sure what your grades will be, but I would not exceed 2%. 3% Max if really necessary.
  3. I’d plan your industries now so that you will have enough room on your layout for any structures.

Hope it goes well. Keep us posted on your progress!

Hey Everyone,

Thanks for the replies. A lot of great information.

As far as the size of the layout goes, I am pretty well at my limit. I could go 10’ long if really necessary, but would prefer not to unless it would greatly improve operation.

The layout is 42” tall. It will go against 2 walls. There were concerns about the reach. The area in the center will be a lift out Styrofoam mountain. The access is offset to the

right. Unless I am missing something, the worst reach will be 30”, most of the reaches will be 22”-24”.

The max grade will be 2.5% giving me 2” clearance between tracks where they cross.

I am definitely am going to the advice about planning scenery & structures now. XtrkCad makes this easy to do.

I am going to down size the yard as recommended. Also, I am going to re-think the two continuous loops.

On a layout of this size, what would be a reasonable number of spurs, to make operation a challenge

But, how big is the space you have to work in if you stop thinking rectangular?

Hey Jeff,

5 x 10 is prety much all the space that I can dedicate and still get around. This is in a large walk in closet. I had thought about moving some things around and making a L shaped layout. I’m afraid that if I get much bigger that I will not have any room to operate the layout.



But you are still thinking of getting around it as the key. Aisles can be inside instead if outside, with the benchwork narrow enough to reach everything from the aisle. The point being that a 5x9 rectangle takes a space of more like 9x13 to really access, and 9x13 is probably better used by going more around the walls, though to get continuous running you might need a duckunder or a hinged section. From looking at the original plan, I am not sure you’ve been realistic in how much room is need for access, which you might regret later. Can you just make a drawing of the space?