New backdrop

New backdrop

This was quite a process to get the mountains right. I took ten-eleven pictures in a row parked on the first off ramp after the climb from the desert floor to The Desert Tower. Back when it was the old US 80 there was a garage there. Mountain Springs is the area. I used these pictures in the first backdrop and wasn’t happy with the outcome. Last weekend my grandson and I cut out the pictures I printed at work (shhhh) and I didn’t put them in order, I used the pics, but mixed them up. I cut them to seam them and rubber cemented them to the backdrop. Couldn’t be happier with the results this time around. The pictures are all on the blog, a few months ago. Here’s a link to the In-Ko-Pah area on I-8 (then US 80).

Excellent job Chuck. I hope mine turns out half that good. If you add a little more dirt along the bench where it meets the backdrop to get a bit of a rolling landscape look. The seam between the two will all but disappear in photo’s. I just happen to read about doing that on someones website this week.

Great work.[tup][tup]


Brent thanks for the tip…I have to Spackle the board and foam to fill the gap that was cut for the 1/4’ masonite bd.

Looks sharp

And you did it yourself not like me who bought the backgrounds

The Backdrop Warehouse stuff is nice, but pricey. I’ve been taking digital pictures and cutting them out of several layouts now. It’s better than trying to hand paint the background.