New BNSF image.

Where did people get the idea it was Pullman green? Any modeler who has ever painted one knows it is much less yellow than pullman green (eg. Scalecoat #17 Pullman green vs. #45 Empire Builder green – Floquil #414284 Pullman Green vs. #414227 Great Northern Empire Builder Green). In 1947 the railroad was specifically getting away from anything olive drab. Everyone was tired of the war and anything that reminded them of it, including all the pullman green that had been used on troop trains. Even the book “Great Northern color pictorial volume 1” incorrectly calls it pullman green!? why? And it is not the same green that was used in the Executive, or H1 and H2 schemes.

I call it uglier than a mud fence!

GO BNSF!!! I do admit that i did not like the H1 scheme, H3, Swoosh, whatever, is cool!!! Although I wi***hey stayed with the green. I have regretably not seen an H3 loco, though I have seen a H3 hopper!!!