New changes-New Topics

Did I read or hear this right about new “stuff” on the “new” forum ? ? Because of the previous forum and many of the subjects that were repeated thousands of times, there will be no mention on the 'New" forum of 1. “Big Boy” 2. DCC 3. A certain brand of couplers. 4. How many locomotives do you have?? 5. Bamboo skewers. 6. Cats. 7. Nickel vs brass rail. 8. Knocking “4x8” layouts. 9 Expenditure by the month on the hobby. 10. And a bunch of other stuff --OH ! No mention of the trade off of diamond necklaces for wife-approved train purchases.

Well, that will make it an awfully quiet forum. The only threads will be 1) complaining about being victimized on ebay, 2) agonizing about those cretons who have the audacity to buy something online rather than a LHS somewhere, 3) polls about what polls should be run, 4) MTHRules claiming that MTH is going to prevail in the new lawsuit against UP, claiming that the 1:1 locomotives are really illegal copies of a technology that MTH invented.

According to MTH, they invented everything railroad, model or otherwise

Don’t look now, but UP didn’t build a single one of the locos they operate!

Seems to me that GM and GE have a far more legitimate claim to licensing revenues than a user whose only contribution is an insipid paint scheme. For that matter, the Big Boy and Challenger were built by Alco, and only used by UP.

As for topics, if the new forum has a more user-friendly search function, that should go far to reduce the number of new threads on old topics.

Will it reduce the number of posts? I doubt it.



Don’t forget …


WHAT!!! ---- NO CATS!!! >^…^< Bubba