New decoder manufacturer?

I found this in anothe forum with pictures and what seems to be a decent review. The decoder was mailed from China to the user.

ANE models

LC101 LocoCruiser™ Basic decoder

You can do a Google search as I will not post the link to the company here. I have not seen anything about this company before but may have mssed it here.


I think I will stay with TCS. At $20 for a 5 function decoder without BEMF? It only has 28 speed steps. It does not state if it is 4 digit addressable, advanced consists or any of the good things we have become accustomed too. I guess I am in the category of, If it sounds too good it probably is. As a person who does instals for other modelers, I find that there is nothing more expensive then a cheap decoder.


Looks interesting but I have all the decoders I need and I do mostly sound anyway.

I have found out that companies/sellers are selling more stuff directly from China especially on ebay. A fair amount of the stuff seems to be copies, sometimes inferior copies. It can take time for someone to put up reviews of many of the sellers in China and the sellers pretty much know that.

Hackers, Spammers and sellers know there are a lot of clueless people buying on the Internet.


I wonder if this could be a different name for the same decoder that Bachmann uses in their “DCC - equipped” engines?? I believe those are made in China, and I know they’re very basic.

They are NOT the Bachmann decoders!

I know, as I wrote about it in the first place…

ANE models is in my opinion a serious company that has a lot of nice electronic devices in the pipeline AND with a nice pricetag!

I did not think they where Bachmann as those are low end Lenz and the review mentioned by the person using the decoders was quite good. I really thought people reading the post would do the Google search and find out for themselves what the review was. Facts are usually better than opinions.


If they are able to secure decent distribution in the USA, and if the end user price is competitive then they might get a foothold. With NCE 4 function base decoders selling for $14 and good 2 function decoder with BEMF from TCS going for $18 they are going to have a tough time IMO. I first came across them when I discovered their stationary decoders with servo control. Frankly I don’t really see what differentiates their mobile decoders from anything that is on the market already, so I think they may have a hard time gaining any traction.

ANE has been selling their servo controller for quite some time. A friend of mine has one, it’s OK, I think the Tam Valley ones are superior. Haven’t seen this mobile decoder yet, but unless it’s got some special features that I actually need I’ll be stickign with TCS as well, and when I need a dirt cheap but top notch decoder, NCE D13SRJ’s. It’ll take a lot to beat those. Most other $20 decoders aren’t as good as the $12 D13SRJ.


There are quite a few videos on You-Tube showing the ANE decoders that were posted by ANE — for example:

if you can undestand what the young lady is trying to say about it.

From the statements in the video, ANE makes only one decoder, with a 1 (or did she say 1.5) Amp motor current rating, 128 speed steps, and 5 light functions.

Another video shows a locomotive chassis running on speed step 1 of 128 at some type of exhibition. I noticed that the drive shaft pauses on every revolution just as the black mark on one of the flywheels comes into view.

A Google search turns up no U.S. DCC dealer who is selling the ANE decoder, so the U.S. price is unknown. It does not seem to have any feature that is not available in any other well-known decoder such as a TCS, NCE, Lenz, Digitrax, etc.

If they do establish a U.S. market, I hope their pricing is competitive with other brands. The more competition there is, the better for consumers.