new Fast Tracks roadbed/layout planning platform things

Hey, I was wondering if anyone here has bought any of the new Fast Tracks roadbed platform/layout planning things? They look like a genius product… and Ron said that I could spike into them.

Anyone here have any yet? In case you’re wondering, these things are 2mm thick birch pieces in straight, curved, and turnout sizes. You can hook them together to form track plans in 1:1 ratio on your layout to see what it would actually look like. You can use them as roadbed, too. Its basically like a wooden version of EZtrack, with LOADS more options and possibilities (they even have easement pieces!!!)

Scroll down to the Fast Tracks video.

yeah ive seen it… just wondering people’s opinions on them.

I wouldn’t use them. I can photocopy switches and have cut curve templates out of a a $2 piece of Masonite and do the same thing with as much or more flexibility.

Dave H.

But you are not going to be able to ‘spike’ into Masonite!


Why would I want to spike into a drawing template? That’s why I use Homasote.

Dave H.

Seems like the exact opposite of the reason I’d use handlaid turnouts, which is to fit the turnout to the situation in construction. For planning, you can use paper copies from their website. Why buy pieces of wood to plan? And a one-size-fits-all easement is again the exact opposite of what I find works best.

It’s a great marketing gimmick and that’s reason enough for them to do it. Can’t see the utility in actual layout planning and construction, though, versus a lot of cheaper alternatives.


I asked them if they were going to offer free pdf templates of those things and got a firm, but polite “no”

I think all their stuff is over-priced.

i think the platform idea is good because it allows you to plan your layout right in front of your eyes, on the table, to see what it looks like, and then allows you to use it as roadbed.

but again, I can see why you wouldn’t want to use it, because it kind of takes the whole anything-goes thing away from handlaying track.

I think what Fast Tracks is trying to do is give you like… an EZtrack version of handlaid track. Which isn’t a bad thing, at all. Its just what they do.

I would use the turnout pad things for turnouts that aren’t curved, though, to spike into. Just wish they made them a bit thicker…

Then use Homabed. Its the same idea only thicker and you can spike into it. They sell curved, straight, flexible and switchblocks in two different thicknesses.

Dave H.

except Homabed is like, twice the price lol

Then use what I use, paper templates, about 2 cents a switch, maybe 3 cents if you include the glue. lol

Dave H.

I do use those, I just need something to put them on, lol.

I’m trying to be able to build my turnouts at the bench, with roadbed, to be installed later on on my layout