Rosebud Falls Scenic Railways is proud to announce the arrival of a new fleet of rolling stock. Recent acquisitions from the D&RGW include two 40-ft flats, four 40-ft gondolas, and a caboose.
Actually from the clearance sale over at Internettrains. Yes, I know I’ve got to do some renumbering of the cars. I have just re-entered into negotiations with The Office of Land Management (aka Wife) for more land as the equipment now owned by RbFSRWy far exceeds the capacity of the local rail yard.
While browsing YouTube last night I found a young lad actually moving his “livestock” on his garden train. Just had to share this masterpiece from a young railroaded in Colorado.
Also would like to share a few pix from one of our local museums. Fallbrook Historical Society has a very nice indoor layout in G, depicting buildings of the early days of the city of Fallbrook CA. The buildings were willed to the mueseum and the trains donated by Bachmann.