New IHC Mogul problem

As it turns out, my new IHC Mogul has difficulty starting up. The factory sound unit is chuffing away at about 20 mph and the loco is standing still! I have run it in on my oval (about two hours) in both directions and have lightly oiled the side rods but that is all. It runs great once it’s in motion. will disassembly and lubricating the worm gears help or is this a congenital defect? If needed, what parts do I need to re-motor.

A slim possibility is that one or more rods is rubbing enough that the friction must be overcome to start the loco in motion. A bushing or pivot point may have foreign matter in it. Maybe a rod rivet might be pressed too hard and the pivot point is very tight.

I find it hard to believe that the motor and drive need repairs or adjustment, but it doesn’t mean it’s not the case.

If a reasonable examination doesn’t shed some light on the problem, Bruce, I would be intent upon a replacement. Money don’t come cheap.

Are you sure it is an IHC model? IHC does not sell locomotives with factory installed sound.

Twin Zephyr, You are RIGHT. My old memory now remembers a fellow from the LHS doing the install. Still takes a lot of volts to start.