New Kadee #148 HO "Whisker" Couplers

Are these “scale” sized like the #58?

well, i know they fit anything a #5 does- check

No, they are not scale sized, they are an exact replacement for the #5.

They’re scaled perfectly for my On30 stuff… [:D]


They are the same size as #5. This is probably because they were in the works before the # 58 was introduced. The article I read stated that they may make the #58 available if the demand is there. I’m in the process of changing over to the *58s so I wont be buying either the new " wisker" coupler or the # 58, hoping they will apply this technology to the #58. Contact Kadee & express your interest in a scale verson with "whiskers’.

Well, I went over and tried to use their e-mail form to send them this message:

I like the design of the new #148 whisker system - but since I’ve gone over to #58’s almost exclusively, this would be a step back in looks for me.

Please add whisker-style #58’s to your lineup - and an ultra pack of them would be terrific!

Thank you.

But when I hit submit I got this page instead:'ve+gone+over+to+%2358's+almost+exclusively%2C+this+would+be+a+step+back+in+looks+for+me.+ +++++Please+add+whisker-style+%2358's+to+your+lineup+-+and+an+ultra+pack+of+them+would+be+terrific!+ Thank+you. + +Jeff+Shultz +Stayton%2C+OR

Which indicates that someone screwed up their HTML programming…