Agree with that too - the Conrail paint scheme was always one of my favorites. I’ve become quite fond of the new CSX dark blue with yellow nose “Dark Future” scheme as well.
Hardly a surprise they are painting the KCSM locomotives in Mexico - American companies have long had overseas subsidiaries - since KCSM was originally a Mexican company, they would have had Mexican shops and for a variety of reasons (local goodwill, employee morale) they would have wanted to have the new paint scheme debut down there. Maybe subsequent locomotives will be painted at the factory - but remember that when companies get taken over by foreign investors (which is the situation with TFM becoming KCSM), the foreign investors know that they have to make allowances to the country that formerly owned the property (see also Daimler Chrysler).
Trust me , Im the last person you need to tell that to. I was just refering to the “clown” post. I do take it back, there are some better paint schemes, but none as catchy.
Not old fashioned at all. I partly agree with your opinion. After all, the UP’s Katy, Southern Pacific and D&RGW heritage engine’s paint (that are on freight locomotives) were also loosly based on passenger schemes. I didn’t like them at first, but I do now. I think this paint scheme will grow on us once we see it enough. Let me tell you, it does looks much better than the bland silver & red that KCS/TFM has been running for years!
I have to believe that anything that’s different is good for me. In my part of the world, I’ve seen exactly 1 KCS locomotive-on a grain train, with the only NS locomotive I’ve ever seen. With luck, maybe the next KCS locomotive I see will be painted differently. I can only hope.[:)]
In a time of doom and gloom reporting over the latest derailment or terrorist threat or threat from congress, whats wrong with a little good publicity. Each of us has our own favorite flag, active or fallen. I just happen to be basking in the joy that it is my favorite road that is getting the good publicity. If the stunt garners a little good will and nostalgia from the community, so much the better. Bob pointed out the UP heritage units. What about bringing back the Rocket paint scheme or Lightning stripes. Wouldn’t the fans of those roads be happy to see them come back? Granted, I like the KCS Gray Ghost scheme and have no sadness over the demise of the White Knight, but the Belle has always my favorite so I welcome its return (without trashing anybody else’s paint scheme).
Well, we will look for it here, since most of the class ones go through here at one time or another. I will definitely have to wear my sunglasses that day if it is very sunny, but at least with the advance warning, I will know what I am looking at from a distance!
Great for what? Target practice? Actually I like the fact that a company can carry forward it’s same image year after year. It shows stability over time. Far better than today’s world where images are made up (Acela) from meaningless words, or borrowed from the competition (PanAm).
Of course that is because marketing has been taken over by folks who have zilch for imagination, and think consumers are a bunch of drooling idiots. Ninty-Nine percent of all television adverts prove my point. And if you purchase a product because of that advert, you lend support to their thought.
When I first saw the KCS image, I thought it was a joke or someone playing with Photoshoppe.
Real mature. [X-)] I state an opinion and you resort to childish name-calling. What makes you the expert on whether something is “great”? Are you a quality control specialist for Dupont? Do you possess a PhD in graphics or art? Or are you just another 12 yr old pounding away on his keyboard?
Zug, It looks like a case of the pot calling the kettle black. Calling someone a clown or downing them for a lack of a degree is not helpful at all to the discussion at all. In fact it sounds remarkably like the noise coming out of congress.
BTW, I AM a Quality Engineer, and I dont really like the Conrail paint. I do like MRL’s blue scheme and I really like this new/retro Belle scheme. Take the comments for what they are worth. Is the new paint scheme going to really affect your life? Not unless you happen to work in the paint shop. So relax, it will help you live a longer, happier life with more chances to go railfanning.
The condescention in this post is unbelievable. Zug states an opinion, and an indivdual (obviously a child/pre-teen) resorts to name calling, then he is “advised” to take it all in stride and live a happy life.
Its just a bloody diesel unit folks! Its not being used to look pretty. Its being used to get dirty by hauling tonnage.
And you wonder why rails have a problem with foamers.
I couldn’t care less what color it is - as long as it is nice on the inside.
I stand by my opinion that is 100% circus paint and will look like crap the first time it gets dirty. It is also a waste of money that could be better spent of infrastructure, returns, or (here’s an odd thought) employees!
I don’t throw the first punch, but I won’t walk away either. There is more to this hobby than paint.