New kitbash RC motor for $10!!!

I found a new RC car at target. They go for 9.99 each. It includes a rc controller and car. The shell is easily removeable, with four screws (less then the numbers of screws that hold the stuff to the box!) The only draw back is that it has now speed control, off quick foward or quick backwards. It would probably work great for a small rail truck, trolley, or maybe some industrial locomotive if you modify the gearing so it runs slower it sould work. At 10.00 you really can’t go wrong at all!

I’ve often thought of doing this but have been cautious regarding the flimsy gearing and high speed, low torque. Also, they’re a bit noisey. However, I’m surprised that no one in our hobby has ever tried this. Seems like a no brainer.

I actually took an ATV R/C (Radio Shack) and made a logging loco used to ride on poles. I haven’t painted the cab or done anything else with it but I tested it and it runs forward and reverse nicely. The battery lasts about 3 minutes and then needs recharging. Hey, for $6

I have a metal Model T “station hack” kit that I’m planning to convert into a railcar. Haven’t decided yet what method I’ll use to power it, but I am considering an inexpensive R/C. I suspect that the gears would have to be changed to something slower. What interests me most about it is the R/C system, which would allow me to run the railcar independently of the track power. Hartland has a powered single-axle wheel set that would probably work better than the motor and gears from an R/C car, perhaps I could use that with the electronics from the car. NWSL also has powered wheels sets.

Never thought of RC cars as a source before, thanks!


I was thinkin about this, I have a small (think hot weels) rc car. it has the basics just I can’t do electronics. I think I might be able to fit the stuff in an N scale f unit. (why Im nervous a bout ripin it apart) Any thoughts?

I considered this early on in my short LST Career…the “glitchy-ness” of the units scared me away…that said, you may be able to do it and be pleased with the results…after a year + studying RC systems for trains I chose the RCS brand and have been well pleased with the results…abso no Glitchy-ness…
