New Lionel 24584 PRR F7 ABA set

Hi All.

I just got my first scale loco from Just Trains two days ago. It is the Lionel 24584 Pennsy F7 ABA Set from the 2006 Vol 1 Catalog. I must say that I am very pleased with it. The three units are well made with lots of detail. They are also quite heavy, even the non powered units. The Railsounds 5.0 sound system is very nice too. It is a definite improvement over the older Railsounds. I really like having eight RPM levels rather than just four. The Tower and Crew communications have several different conversations which make that feature more fun to use than the older version. I have only ran the set with TMCC so I can not comment on how it works in conventional mode. The two fan driven smoke units will smoke you out of the room too.

Any way it’s like having Christmas in September.

That is cool. I want on of the Santa Fe sets though.


I don’t have the catalog, but I saw some beautiful Lionel Pennsy F units the other day that were tuscan 5 striped and meticulously detailed. I am a big fan-adict of first generation diesels, and PRR in particular, and these engines really turned my head. They are a bit pricey but awesome. Sounds like maybe these are the ones you purchased, does 5.0 have the Odessey feature? Do they have can motors or pullmores? How do they handle?


Rich F.

If you have any way to record the engines going up and down through all 8 notches and then posting the file here or emailing it, I’d sure like to hear how much better they are. I already have a nearly new K-Line PRR F3 ABBA set w/TMCC & RS but if the new Lionels sound much better I might try to find a set.


Yes, they are pricey, msrp of $899, but I paid $725 delivered from Just Trains. It does come with Odyssey. The powered unit has two can motors, and handles great. It can be run with cruise on or off, but I always use the cruise because you can run at much slower speeds that way.